New beginnings

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~ 2 months later ~

Wilhelm's pov

I had never felt this lonely in my entire life. Erik was gone, August was a traitor, and Simon probably hated me. Two weeks into the summer break, I caught a serious fever and I remember not wanting to recover at all, but to my family, it hardly matters what I want.

I had started attending the royal meetings, and keeping a cold exterior, in hope the cold would seep into my heart as well. But it didn't.

I would wake up in the middle of the night, having severe panic attacks. I had dreams of seeing Erik die and not being able to do anything except watch his car roll over and over and over...

And I dreamt of Simon. Man, I dreamt of him so often, sometimes I thought he was real; his warmth, his eyes, his touch, his words.

But today, he is sitting in front of me, in the opposite corner of the lunch table, and I have never before felt so distant from him. He did not even look at me once. Almost as if I am nothing to him anymore.

Simon's pov

This time, Wilhelm did not even need August's command to sit in the opposite corner, as far from me as possible, in the lunch hall. His face was completely emotionless. He was not Wille anymore, he was Prince Wilhelm. There was an official and authoritative air around him.

I couldn't bear to look at him.

I looked at my plate, pushing the food around.

"You okay man?"

I had not realized someone was sitting beside me, I looked at my right and frowned. I was looking into a pair of deep blue eyes, I had definitely never seen before.

"Who are you?" I asked, feeling wary.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My bad," he laughed good-naturedly, "I am Casper. Second year. I am new here."


"And you?"

"Simon. Second year."

"Oh that's great!"

I looked back at my plate, finishing off the last bites and getting ready to run away from any further small talk.

"Simon, Casper."

I turned around to find August looking at us with the patronizing superiority he always carried around him.

I looked at him sourly.

"The headmistress is calling you two," he turned to look at me, "Take Sara with you as well."

I looked at him with a blank face.

He raised his brows, "I presume you were the one who told me to get you grants to get you rooms here?"


"Okay," I said straightforwardly and stood up to find Sara.

When we reached the headmistress' office, Casper was already there.

She looked at us and then said, rubbing her hands, "So, I think you already know what you have been called for."

"Yes, headmistress," we replied in a chorus.

"Good. I believe you three are very talented and sincere students, and we are very lucky to have students like you. You are a part of this school, and it's legacy is in your hands. We expect you to be responsible and act maturedly." I had a feeling I knew what incident this little lecture was referring to.

"Yes headmistress."

"Good. Now, your teachers will hand you over the keys of your rooms. Casper and Simon, you will share one room and Sara, you will share your room with Astrid. Is it clear?"

"Yes headmistress. Thank you headmistress."

"Good, you may leave."

"You are a non res too?" I asked Casper as we left the room.

"Well, not anymore I guess," he shrugged. I smiled and nodded.

"Okay then, Sara," I smiled faintly at her, and we all rushed our separate ways.

To Build A Home [ Simon x Wilhelm ]Where stories live. Discover now