Meet me in the music room

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Wilhelm's pov

I was standing in the music room, biting my nails. Although I seemed very placid on the outside, my thoughts were restlessly jumping from one topic to another. I glanced down at my phone.

Meet me in the music room in 5 mins.


It had already been ten minutes and if he did not arrive in another 30 seconds, my nails would probably start bleeding.

I had something very important to tell him: I had talked to some reliable people in my contacts and they had agreed to help us out with the Alexander case.

The door clicked open and Simon walked in, "Hey."

"Hi," I replied, the corners of my lips turning up.

"So, um," Simon said, his voice so sweet and soft, it made me want to run over to him and kiss him, "you called me?"

"Yes," I said, "Actually I have talked to some people who are ready to help us get the proofs for Alex-"

"Yeah, about that," Simon said, "I've got someone to help me out with it."

"Oh," I said, "oh, okay, that's cool." I bobbed my head. "They are trustworthy right?"

Simon nodded.

"I don't want you to get into trouble again," I said, "Let me know-"

"Stop biting your nails, Wille," I heard his voice. I looked down at him and suddenly I was hyperaware of our proximity.

"Yeah, sorry," I apologized quickly pulling my hand away from my mouth.

"Don't be sorry," Simon cooed, taking my fingers in his hand and and gently running his fingers on my skin.

He raised his hands to my hair. I closed my eyes, chills running down my spine.

Raising himself on his toes, he pecked my lips softly. I pressed my forehead against his, my heart throbbing.

"Can we go to Bjästa some day?" I asked.


"Isn't Linda pissed at me?" I had broken her son's heart, she would surely be angry.

"I don't think so," Simon replied.

His eyes overtook every remaining words left in my throat. My last thought was: I could stare into these beautiful eyes forever; before I pressed my lips onto his.

"God, I love you so much," I said.

"Me too, Wille," he whispered in my ear, gently nibbling my earlobe.

Sometimes I wondered, had I not met him, would I have ever known that my heart was filled with so many emotions?

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