I love you three?

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Simon's pov

"Well, I guess it's too late now."

What? The floor slipped from beneath my feet.

"No, no," I fisted a hand in my hair, dropping down on my bed. "Shit - I, I'm sorry Wilhelm, I don't know how...what-"

I looked up at him and stopped abruptly. He was fucking laughing.

"God, I was just kidding," Wilhelm said, barely able to stand properly through fits of giggles.

"Oh my fucking god," I said, burying my face in my hands. "This is not something you joke about, Wilhelm. I fucking hate you so much."

"I thought you just said you love me," Wilhelm said, jutting out his lower lip dramatically.

I turned my head away from him. He sighed, walked over and sat down beside me. "Honestly, I would have waited my entire life for you to say these words to me," he said, "and it still wouldn't have been too late."

I continued ignoring him.

"Aah, am I getting the silent treatment now, Simme?"

Simme? What was it with Wilhelm giving me nicknames all of a sudden?

"Pissed off Simon," Wilhelm said quietly, "this is going to be something worth remembering."

A smile broke out on my lips. I punched him in the arm playfully. He smiled back at me.

"Thank goodness you smiled. I thought I would have to spend the rest of my time cajoling you," he said, taking off his shoes. "By the way can I tell you something?"

"Yeah?" was there still something left to tell now?

"I love you three," Wilhelm said.

I chuckled, "I love you four."

"I love you ten thousand," Wilhelm said, "I'm not gonna let you win this, buddy." He winked.

I laughed, shaking my head.

He got up on the bed, crossing his legs and I did the same. He took my hand in his and raised it to his lips, leaving little delicate kisses on my knuckles.

I took my free hand and placed it at the nape of his neck, and pressed my forehead against his, rubbing the tip of my nose against his.

Suddenly something struck me. "Hold on for a second," I said, getting off the bed and walking over to the curtains, pulling them shut. They got stuck midway.

"Aw man," I groaned.

"Should I help?" Wille asked getting off the bed. He reached over and gently tugged the cloth of the curtain, his body oh-so-slightly rubbing against mine. My breath hitched at my throat.

I turned around and tilted my head up at him. His eyes were intense, vaguely reminding me of out first kiss.

I raised my hands to his hips, mirroring his intensity, "Kiss me Wille."

These few words were enough to set him off. His lips crashed against mine in a heated kiss. He fisted his hands in my hair painfully but that hardly bothered me at this point, I kissed him back needily.

"I missed this so much," I muttered as his hands swiftly unbuttoned my shirt and he left hot wet kisses down my chest to my stomach and then came back for more lip kisses.

"Me too," he agreed. I encircled my arms around his neck and slipped my tongue in his mouth. Wilhelm groaned, "I want you so badly right now, Simme."

My stomach burst into a million butterflies on hearing the word Simme from his lips.

"Me too," I said hoarsely, tugging at the hem of his trousers, swiftly unbuckling his belt.

*Author's note*
of course Wille wasn't going to throw it all away again ;)
u all are the cutiest <3

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