The Hearing

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Simon's pov

"Alexander's hearing is on Friday," the headmistress said, her hands folded in front of her desk, "and you have been called there."

"But why?" I asked.

"I don't know exactly," she admitted, "Alexander seems to have some proof against August, that's all we know."

I swallowed, staring down at my feet.

"It is just a personal opinion, but I'm sure you will agree," she said, "August's lawyer might have something to save him. And that might have something to do with you."

My mind raced back to the transactions between August and me; it would only take him to say it once and I would get dragged into all this shit. How the fuck did I not think this through?

I looked up at her, carefully shrouding the fear in my eyes, "But I haven't done anything."

She nodded. She clearly did not believe me.

"All rise."

I snapped back into reality, getting on my feet. The judge walked in and sat down in front of us; both the lawyers waited for their cues to speak.

The procession was about to start when the door opened and, to everyone's surprise, including mine, Wilhelm walked in.

He calmly sat down in the second row and waited for the case to commence.

"How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty, your honour," Alexander's lawyer stated in a bold voice.

Both the lawyers introduced their sides to the case. Alexander's witnesses were called upon the witness stand.

"August tried to sell me drugs and I immediately turned him down."

"August came to my room and offered me drugs to buy."

"He forced me to buy them."

"Are there any proofs?" the judge questioned.

"Call records can be traced, your honour," his lawyer responded immediately.

Then he went on to a lengthy explanation of how transactions had been traced of the same day, depositing money into August's account from the accounts of several student - whose names I already knew - including the two who had confessed.

Every time Alexander's lawyer was trying to prove a point, August's lawyer came forward with an objection. Conclusion: August's lawyer was as, if not more, annoying as August himself.

Finally, it was time for August to put his defence. My heart rate increased as August climbed to the witness stand.

"We have procured some proofs as well, your honour," his lawyer stated.

August stared straight at me with a look of intense dislike, completely still and silent.

"I'm sure you have something to say about this August," his lawyer prodded.

He did not say a word.

The lawyer cleared her throat, tugged her coat, then took over the reins herself, "We have proofs of money transferred to Simon's account, a fellow student at Hillerska."

My heart stopped beating.

"The money that August procured through the apparent 'dealings' have been immediately transferred to Simon's account."

I could see where she was taking this.

"This suspiciously looks like a case of blackmail-"

"It isn't," August said suddenly.

"Pardon?" the lawyer said, dumbstruck.

"It isn't," August repeated, his eyes glued to one person: Wilhelm.

"Then what was the money transferred for?" the lawyer asked, her face turning red.

"I owed Simon money for some goods I bought from him," he said, "he has nothing to do with this case."

I could not believe my ears.

"Well, then what were the goods..." but I was no longer aware of what was being said. I was safe. I was not going to get into any trouble. I closed my eyes, my lips moving in silent gratefulness.


The case was closed, August proved guilty and Alexander cleared of all accusations.

Outside, I saw Wilhelm standing in one corner, looking crossly at me. I swallowed and immediately traced my steps to him.

"Well- uhm," I stuttered hesitantly but was cut by him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said, crossing his arms.

"Well, I thought...I mean I didn't want you to, you know, get into all this."

"You are so stupid," he said.

I sucked my lips inside, feeling penitent, "I know. Sorry."

Wilhelm's expression softened. He shook his head, "August would have squished you in two seconds."

I sighed, "What did you do?"

"I handled it," Wilhelm said simply.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"Fine," Wilhelm conceded, "I told him the royal family would take back his scholarship if he got you into trouble. But if he took the fall, I would figure out a way to get him out quickly."

"Shit," wow, he had played the game pretty smartly. "Will you do it?"

"Well, I am a man of words," Wilhelm shrugged. I smiled.

"Thanks for saving me," I said, and I meant it.

"It would be a shame if I couldn't."

I looked into his eyes, my heart inflating warmly. Wilhelm's lips curved to a small smile. He raised his arms, and wrapped them around me, squeezing me tightly.

Without a second's delay, camera shutters started clicking behind me. I could hear the hustling behind me as the bodyguards tried to push them away.

I closed my eyes, and pressed my lips against his coat discreetly, breathing in his sweet fragrance.

"I love you," he said, quietly so that only I could hear him.

"I love you too," I whispered back, experiencing a whirlpool of emotions I could not even recognise. Wilhelm pulled away, his eyes relaxed in a dreamy bliss.

I bottled up the memory and stored it away silently in a corner of my mind.

*Author's note*

He said it back. He said it back. HE SAID IT BACK!

Am I allowed to fangirl my own story? *cries*

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