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Simon's pov

Sara leaned her head in my shoulder, "I don't wanna study anymore."

"Just this last question, then we will go for dinner," I promised.

Felice and Maddie were sitting in front of us in the library, Maddie's jaw going up and down, chewing gum while Felice explained a topic of biology to her.

"Done," Sara said, slapping her book shut. Maddie closed her book too and Felice gave her a look. "You're gonna fail this year if you keep this attitude."

"I won't," Maddie said carelessly throwing her bag on her shoulder and following Sara outside. Felice sighed, "Sometimes I feel like I am their mother."

I chuckled, gathering my stuff too.

I looked at Felice, then stared down at my bag, "Actually I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah?" Felice said.

I looked down, closed my eyes shut, took a deep breath and looked back up, "Uhm, how uh, how is Wilhelm?"

Felice's eyes warmly found mine, "Aah, I don't know really. Thinking of it, I haven't talked to Wilhelm in a very long time. He always seems so busy and in a hurry these days."

"Yeah," I nodded and stood up, "Uh, I will keep my bag in my room and then catch up with you guys."

"Alright," Felice smiled. I smiled back.

I went to my room and found the door already unlocked. I walked inside and saw Casper asleep on his bed, his face buried in the pillow. I chuckled to myself. He would have surely missed dinner if I hadn't dropped by.

I walked over to his bed and found a midway crochet-work right beside his ear. I took it in my hands and sat down in its place. I remembered my mom doing crochet and singing me lullabies to sleep when I was little and couldn't go to bed unless I had her beside me.

Casper stirred in his sleep. "Morning roomie," I said, and Casper turned around smiling, his eyes squinting in the light "Morning." His voice was husky from the nap.

I leaned back against the wall and outstretched my legs in front of me as Casper struggled to sit up. "Aah, I see you have found out my secret hobby, sir."

I laughed, "Yes, now bribe me or I will tell everyone about it."

"You will print it in the school magazine or what?" Casper asked gravely.

"Oh no no, I will leave pamphlets on everyone's doorstep," I replied. We broke into fits of laughter and once we both had sobered up a bit, I said softly, "My mother loves to crochet too." Then I don't know why I added, "My parents are divorced."

"Ah man, same here," Casper sighed. "It's just me and my mom. She is all alone now that I am here."

"Sucks man."

"It does."

I ran my hand over the delicately woven design. "Who is this for?"

Casper's face lit up, "Oh, I am making gloves for my little cousin sister."

"Aww, how cute," I smiled at the thought of a little girl wearing these cream gloves.

"You know, I made a sleeveless sweater for my ex-boyfriend once," my heart did a somersault -boyfriend? – "to gift him on his birthday, and he turned it down...right on my face! He went like, 'I do not like it,' and gave it back to me like, what the hell?" He made a face of absolute disbelief, and continued ranting, "He could have showed some decency and kept it at least. I would not have forced him to wear it."

"Well, at least he was being honest," I shrugged, my humor still on.

Casper scoffed, "Yeah right."

I chuckled, "Sorry, I was just kidding. Honestly though, if my boyfriend ever made me a crochet sweater, I would be wearing it everyday and telling everybody about it, 'Hey Sally, how is my sweater? You know my boyfriend made it for me. Yeah!'"

Casper laughed, "Sally? Honestly? That is so cliché."

"It's the first name that popped in my mind," I shrugged.

Casper pursed his lips slightly and studied my face, "If I had a boyfriend as handsome as you, I would have made him crochet sweaters everyday."

Oh my god.

I gauged his expression. He meant what he was saying.

I stared down at the fabric in my hands, "Erm, I think we are gonna get late for dinner."

"True," Casper said. He reached out for his shirt, put it on and got off the bed. I vaguely sensed that I had upset him, but I had no idea how to fix it. Casper left the room without turning back.

I pulled on a sweatshirt and followed him.

I think we are gonna get late for dinner? What the fuck was I thinking?

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