The Church

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Wilhelm's pov

I looked at the choir quietly. Felice's eyes caught mine and she passed me a quick smile.

After vocalizing for a while, Simon took the lead, like he always did. His singing had improved even more than before. His hair were clumsily messed up today, as if someone's hands had been through them and he had no time to fix them. But God, he still looked like an angel

Going to the choir always reminded me of the first time I had seen Simon. Man, I could give anything to go back to that day again and start afresh.

Suddenly I saw Simon smile. I turned my head to see who it was and my heart dropped to my knees on seeing that new boy smiling widely back at him.

Have I been replaced already Simon? Was it that simple for you? Cause it certainly isn't for me.

I inhaled shakily and looked down at my hands in my lap.


As I walked outside, I saw Maddie, Sara and Felice standing in a group. Maddie saw me and beckoned me to come over.

"Hey Wilhelm!" she said, "How are you?"

"I'm all good, what about you all?" I asked.

"Haven't been better," Sara said. It genuinely made me so happy to see these girls so happy together.

"Heya there!" I heard a voice beside me and I snapped my head abruptly. It was that new guy.

"Hi!" Everyone chorused cheerfully.

His eyes caught mine and he seemed pleasantly surprised, "Prince Wilhelm! Hello." He stretched out his arm.

"Just call me Wilhelm," I said, shaking his hand.

"I'm Casper," he smiled, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here, Casper," I said reflecting his expression. It was pretty clear he didn't know anything about Simon and me.

He slipped his arm around Sara's shoulder, "So, where are we going now? You all ar-"

A small 'hey' that I recognised almost instantly, broke off his statement. I turned around and saw Simon. He was wearing a thin jacket over his shirt now.

"Wassup?" he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Here's my boy," Casper said, raising his hand and ruffled up Simon's hair even more, if that was even possible. The pit of my stomach burst into flames.

"Gosh, can you stop messing up my hair all the time," Simon said, irritated. He futilely tried to fix it as Sara and Maddie laughed, while Felice helped him.

"There," she said.

"Thanks Felice," he said, frowning jokingly at Casper and he suddenly realised I was standing there.

His eyes met mine and I could tell he was shocked. "Oh, hi Wilhelm. Sorry didn't see you there."

"Nah, it's fine," I replied, not able to hold his eye contact anymore.

"How are you?" he asked, "long time no see huh?"

"Yeah, I'm good," I said, straightforwardly.

He nodded.

I could feel the tension grow thicker in the silence that followed

"Uhm," Casper cleared his throat, "so, uh, what's the plan now?" he asked.

"Let's get high," Maddie said, "I'll arrange some joints." Suddenly the tension dissolved into thin air and I chuckled.

"Shut up," Felice said, "let's go and grab some food at a restaurant. You wanna come along, Wilhelm?"

"No, thanks a lot," I said, backing away quickly, "you guys continue, I should be going."

As I sprinted away, I heard a voice, "Prince Wilhelm." It was Malin.


"The queen wanted to talk to you..."

I let the rest of her words drown away. I was too used to hearing them now.

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