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well that was fucking terrifying. i don't recommended coming here, -1 star review.

everyone was sitting in the centre of the room, no one talking just silence, you could most likely here a pin drop. 

sae byeok spoke up quietly from beside me, "you okay?"

"hm yeah, you? are you worried about me?" i smirked.

"what no, just asking," she rolled her eyes and looked away. i was gonna continue teasing her but the fucking assholes came back in. 
they could have walked in like 5 minutes but nooo you just had to come in right now don't you? fuck sakes.

my thoughts were rudely interrupted by the masked dudes speaking up. 

"you have all made it through the first game. congratulations. you're moving on. i will now announce the results of the first game."

the screen that presented the number of players; 457 went down to 201. "out of 427 players, 255 were eliminated, and 201 players successfully completed the first game."

gasps and murmurs scattered amongst everyone. then suddenly no it was no longer semi quiet this bitch went in front of everyone and started begging? pathetic.
no no i'm kidding, i couldn't care less if someone wanted to go home, i'm not leaving, i need that money.

damn shes even on her knees, kinky.
god what goes through my head.
oh shit she has a kid? i hate kids, they piss me off.
oh no now more are begging. 
wait can people read my thoughts, oh god no-

the masked dude spoke up again, "there seems to be a misunderstanding-"
why does this dude keep interrupting me from my thoughts, have some more respect man. jeez. 

"we are not trying to hurt you or collect your debts. let me remind you that we're here to give you a chance."

"a chance? we play some kid games. and you shoot us. you want me to choose that?"
yes please do, you're annoying. do these people ever stop complaining?

"that's some chance."
yes, yes it is.

"we may be in debt, sir," another dude sobs before continuing, "but that doesn't justify killing us all."
no yeah he's right on this one.

"this is just a game," the square said.
these masked dudes could all honestly be in those cartoons for kids to learn the shapes.

"killing everyone out there was a game to you, huh?"
yes, didn't he just say that like 10 seconds ago? has everyone gone deaf or something.

"jesus fucking christ people are deaf these days," i mumbled another my breath.

sae byeok chuckled and shook her head before responding, "probably y/n."

hold up rewind. chuckled. THE sae byeok. be chill...

blah blah blah. more talking and talking. now we're taking a vote. everyone was gathered to one side of the room and one person at a time were getting called up to vote. i stuffed my hands in my pockets waiting for my turn. 

sae byeok went up and pressed the check button.
good that her and i are on the same page on that one

4 people later...


fucking finally.
i went up to the stand and pressed the check button and went to the other side.

a bit later and it was the grandpas turn.
god he's taking his time.he pressed the fucking x. i hang my head down dissapointed.

x great. x is awesome. great. yay. yay. awesome. good. 10/10.

"the majority of the players ave voted to terminate the game. therefore, this game is now terminated."

some rando pushed through people in the crowd and started speaking, "hey! okay, anybody who wants, they can go. but let the ones who want, stay till the end though. half of us have died already! we can't just stop here!"

the begging chick from before spoke up, "he's right! please let us stay! we'll keep playing the game!"

"it truly is a pity that we must say goodbye to you like this. however, we will not completely seal the door of opportunity for all of you. if the majority of you with to participate again, then we will resume the game. so goodbye for now."


wow, some assholes don't know how to be gentle.

"hey asshole be more fucking gentle next time, jesus christ," i grumbled.

"oh help! hello! hello! help over here! i can't see anything!"

"shut up will you? fuck sakes," i mumbled struggling to get myself untied.

i felt my blindfold get removed and i saw a persons.. back?

"huh?" i mumbled and tried to get a better look of the person.
"oh sae byeok, you're naked." 

my eyes scanned her body.
"you're hot," i said smirking. "now before i continue, can someone remove this god damn fucking rope."

i felt someone removing it and i took up and looked to see i was literally half naked, nice. i glanced to see the old man on the floor, obviously struggling.

i found my clothes and put them on. but. where is my knife.

"god fucking damn it. they took my knife," i grumbled.

"are you looking for this?" a voice spoke up, i turned around and sae sae byeok, no longer naked, dammit, kidding. with my knife in her hand.

"why yes i am," i responded walking towards her and snatched it from her hands and placed it in its rightful place, my pocket.

"you could've just asked," she told me smirking.

"i don't ask for things, i take things that i want, but the only thing i will ask is for your number," i asked smirking, oblivious to the old man yelling at us in the background.
now that my friend was smooth as fuck.

she smiled before nodding, "fine alright sure, don't bother me too much."

i smirked and handed her my phone and she typed her number in and i rung it, just to be sure. her phone starting ringing, revealing my number. sweet.

i grabbed her phone and added my number to her contacts and putting my contact name as "my girlfriend <3" before handing it back to her and she looked at her phone and froze. i laughed at her state.

"get used to it. well anyways, i gotta go and check on my mum, don't be too mean to the old man over there got it? and don't miss me too much," i said pointing the the dude on the ground.

she chuckled before responding, "that's not gonna happen, and i won't miss you at all, that's a promise."

"don't make promises you can't keep sweetheart."


1:20 am going strong, once again. 💪💪
btw i edit follow my tik tok if you want krameow

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