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[another kissing warning?!?! since a lot of people wanted more]

i'm hungry. when is the next mealtime?

"attention players. i will now announce the results of the second game."

the screen that revealed the numbers of players and the money changed.

"out of the 188 players who participated, 79 players were eliminated."

the tube came down and starting filling the piggy bank with more money
if i don't win that money, i'm going to revive myself and kill myself.

i stood next to sae and watched more money get transferred 

"the prize money accumulated this round is 7.9 billion won. the total prize money accumulated so far is now 34.8 billion won."
now that's a whole lot of fucking money.

time skip

"attention. your mealtime begins now. all players, please form a line in the center of the room."
finally, my god.

everyone lined up. i was behind sae, waiting very much patiently for my food.
i'm patient, very so. very so patient.

it was finally my mine turn. i stepped forward and grabbed an egg and a bottle of some sort of beverage. then i went and sat down on a ledge. i cracked the egg shell using my forehead and pealed rest of the egg shells off.

i started eating my eggs but then i heard a nasty ass voice.
"hey, what's the matter everybody? jeez. you never see a guy eat before, is that it? shit."
maybe fucking swallow before talking because that is absolutely disgusting.

"who do you think you are?" player 271 said to the asshole, his goons and piss chick. "that's my food you just ate."

"ah. so, is this yours? is your name on it? cause i sure don't see anything. i'm sorry," him and his goons laughed along with piss chick who was once known as begging chick.

oh so know they're fighting, nice, nice. who's going to win?? i think the bottle. oh no.. the bottle broke, how sad. we should host a funeral.

oh no, now asshole is throwing insults. ouch, that would've hurt. punch him again.

"how come a scrawny guy like you is so greedy about food?"
i don't know man because your fat ass when in line for seconds, my god.

now he is kicking his stomach, multiple times. poor guy. my god, this asshole is so dramatic. so worked up about a broken bottle. 

i looked over to see that weird guy from before that was talking to sae and other dude i don't know standing over the dudes body.
hold up, i think that dude is dead.

"he's gone."
oh shit, he is dead.

"hello, guards. can someone do something?" the dude frantically asked. there was a pause before he started speaking again. "hey didn't you hear that? a person died. that man there just died."

he pointed to the mans body, "look, that man was killed. that bastard.. that bastard just killed him. he just killed someone over there! he just died! can't you hear me huh?"
yeah they can, they just don't care.

"help us now! a man just died! we shouldn't be killing each other like this!"

"player 271, eliminated."

the screen went from 109-108 and 34 ₩900.000.000.

more money got added to the piggy bank and then the ps4 controller dudes came in with a present box thingy?
i can hear their suits squeaking.

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