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will someone turn that fucking alarm off? god fucking damn.

back track, that ain't an alarm that's my ringtone.

i groan and stuff my head into my pillow until my phone shuts up...
it's still ringing or dinging isn't it?


yep. it's 100% still bringing, ringing whatever.

i groan and push myself up to attempt and grab my phone, yeah no that didn't work.

final attempt, this is only my second attempt, it's okay, you got this y/n.
3,2,1. go.

i pushed myself up and stretched my phone to my bedside table and unplugged my phone and flopped back down, hitting my head in the process.

"ow fuck," i grumbled rubbing my head attempting to ease the pain, while doing that. i unlock my phone and see some missed messages labeled from "my gf".
doesn't miss me huh? i'm kidding.

i opened my messages app and go onto sae's chat and read through the messages.
'are you awake?'
'it's 2pm, wake up.'
'how are you still asleep?'
'wake up you lazy moron.'

jesus she's so mean to me. 2pm? i could've slept in more. i'm more surprised that my mom hasn't barged into my room with her vacuum cleaner yelling at me to get my ass app and do my chores, love you mom <3.

i start typing a message
'what do you want?'
does that sound to harsh? no.
sent. okay now we wait for a reply.

not even 1 minute later


that could be sae, or my mum telling me to get up. maybe just maybe it's a new episode of my show i'm watching, no wait the episode doesn't come out until like tomorrow or something.

i groan and snatch my phone and check through my notifications...

i clicked on it and it appeared with my conversation with sae.
new unread message.
'im bored and i just finished visiting my brother.'

'what does that have to do with me?' i texted back.
i put my phone down and finally decide to see if my mums alright. i groan and push my blankets off and put some socks on because i hate the cold floor so much. i walk over to my door and open it and walk towards to living room.
no one.
her room.
no one.
no one.

where the fuck is she? normally she's in the kitchen cooking some amazing ass food, okay okay. what about the bathroom? i mean she could be taking a shower? no i can't hear any water running.

i frantically pace around kitchen, hold up.
i walk to the outside door and slide the door open to see my mom watering flowers.
thank fuck. holy shit.

i heaved a sigh of relief too see her fine and safe.
if those fucking ps4 controller fuckers did something to her i would've cut all of their dicks off and fed them their own fucking di-

my thoughts were interrupted by my mum snapping her fingers in front of my face. i swatted her hands away.

"are you alright? you were spacing out when i was asking you wanted to eat," my mum said to me, obviously concerned.

"hm? oh yeah, i'm alright. i'm craving some tteokbokki at the moment," i replied.

"ever since you came back from your friends house you've been spacing out so much," she nagged to me.
right friends house, right, right.

"i have? nooo," i replied oblivious to the look on my moms face.

"mhm right, ill go make that food for you, ill make some extra things for you," mom said before walking inside.

𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐀𝐄 𝐁𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐊, 𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now