WAIT! He's real?! Chapter 2

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WAIT! He’s real?! Chapter Two

     I had ten minutes to get to class in-between bells, so I decided to stop by the restroom first. I really wanted to see just what these girls were talking about! I stopped in front of the mirror and tried to see what made me so different from last month.

     My hair isn’t much longer. How fast can it grow in a month? I AM a little tanner, I guess, but that isn’t so special. My face has cleared up, but that took the whole summer to transition from. I guess that could be it…


     I mean, I always thought I was pretty. Not in a conceited way, though. I never had self-esteem issues. I guess I’ll tell you what I look like. So, you can judge for yourself. I am 5’7. Not too tall, but not short. I have really thick, slightly wavy, shoulder length, light brown hair. I have hazel eyes. Funny thing about hazel eyes, they always change on me. It depends on what the weather is like, or what colors I am wearing. Gemma swears that they change with my mood, but we all just laugh. I have long lashes and full lips. (I know you’re jealous, but it’s actually true…[whoa, now that was conceited, I apologize]) And I have curves in all the right places, although, I think I have some in the wrong too.

     My look is kind of different, too. I dress quite girly, but a classy girly. None of that skank business. Like today for instance, I was wearing a grey, knee-length, pencil skirt, a peachy colored sweater set, grey pumps, a string of pearls, and matching earrings. My bangs were swept to the left, while the rest of my hair was brought together with a ribbon on my right shoulder. All in all, this was one of my favorite outfits I had put together in a long time.

     I was confident about my looks, but I chose not to walk around school in my 10-inch heels, thinking I was the shizz…like another girl I know. *cough* Sophia Masters *cough* Aw crap, speak of the devil… Sophia reached the classroom door, just as I had rounded the corner.

     “Oh, Avery!” she waved, “Over here, Avery! Tell me, dearest. Why didn’t you call me this summer?”

     “Are you serious, Sophia? You hate everyone. Why on earth would I have called you?” I asked, astonished at her kindness.

     “Everyone? How could you say that? I don’t hate everyone! Just you, darling.” Sophia smirked as if that was THE greatest comeback to have ever been said.

     “OH! There you are, Sophia. I couldn’t see you behind that idiot who asks stupid questions…I like what you’ve done with your look. It’s so…so small on you.” She looked like she stole clothing from a little girl’s doll; they were so small and tight. I turned to face the door. I was about to grab the handle and walk inside.

     “Avery, honey, I heard about your new boyfriend. Garrett, was it? I can’t wait to meet him…” I froze at the door when she said his name. Did she already know? Impossible. My friends don’t even know!

     I shook off my stupor and held the door open for her. “Oh, yes, Garrett. He is just a dream.” I smiled. Little did she know he really was just a dream.

***After school***

     I had managed to avoid seeing my friends all day. At lunch, I claimed to have makeup work. I really don’t know how they got fooled into that one…I mean, come on; it was the first day of school. Who has makeup work? Even though my friends are stupid, I was grateful for their oversight of my lies. It was scary to admit to myself, but I was getting better at lying…

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