WAIT! He's real?! Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I decided, when I woke up the next morning that I had to take my mind off Jace. I had a rough night's sleep last night and was up super early, especially for a Saturday morning. I decided that I was going to go anonymous picture surfing, looking for pictures of "Garrett". (A/N: The cover picture is actually a screen shot from the "real" Garrett Cross. I told you guys that part of this is from my life and making a facebook account for Garrett Cross was part of the real story. Haha. Thought you guys might like that bit of knowledge. Oh, Lauren, the things you know...)

I decided that Garrett was going to be freaking gorgeous. If I'm going to have a fake boyfriend, he might as well be tasty, right? In my head, he had this great, kind of dark, dirty, blonde, short, but shaggy hair. Hair that would, if you just ran your fingers through it,  look perfect. He had beautiful gray-blue eyes and eyebrows that were so expressive and told much, without having to say anything. His lips were mesmerising. You could stare at them for days. He also had these dazzling, white teeth (I have a weird thing for good teeth) that were straight and perfect. He had a strong, straight nose and the most melodious laugh. If he were real, I would definitely confess my love for him on the spot. I was already daydreaming about my virtual love when I had an idea...

While the girls were still asleep, I ordered myself some flowers. I blindly picked one of the pre-written notes so I could have a genuine, first reaction to it, when I read it to the girls. I typed the sending address as my school to have them delivered to my third period on Monday morning. All the girls were in that class, but then again, so was Jace. Was that such a good idea? I kind of felt like I was rubbing it in his face and making him feel worse. I quickly shrugged that thought off and clicked send in that burst of anger that the thought of Jace had brought back...

I then slammed the screen of my laptop down after I had closed the flower window. I got up to the kitchen to make waffles for the girls. I did, after all, have to play hostess.

Sure enough, the scent of waffles cooking was enough to bring the zombies into the kitchen. 

"Mmmmm" Gemma muttered.

"Jbdhvavsoiwyxfafiidhx." Rae...said? Rae was never one to be coherent after being awakened.

"There better be no peanut butter in sight of my waffles...I know how you and Jace like to make your PBJ & waffle sandwiches, but I will have NONE of it, this morning." Lucy dislikes peanut butter. Even the mention of Jace and waffles in the same sentence made me want to have cereal instead. Kind of petty, I know, but I felt like being stubborn. 

"Nope. The peanut butter will NOT be making an appearance this morning." I said, rather forcefully. Lucy, don't notice. Lucy don't notice. Lucy don't notice! I silently begged.

"Avery..." she said, sounding like my mother. " Are you mad at Jace for any reason?" How in the heck does she know me so well? I mean I know I said that comment about the peanut butter, but how did she decipher that I was mad at Jace from that?! Her skills were incredible...and slightly scary...and irritating.

"No. I haven't seen him since Tuesday." I lied, smoothly. Luckily, my back had been turned or the clenched teeth and angry, eye twitch would have given me away.

"Well, good." said Gemma,"That boy is too good looking to be mad at..."

Rae mumbled something like, "Yes, that boy is scrumptious." but I couldn't be too sure because she had her face down on the table, still half asleep, trying to help her fork find her mouth.

I made my cereal and sat at the counter on one of the stools next to the girls. Lucy eyed me suspiciously. Can't she ever just let anything go? As if she heard my thoughts, she shrugged and went back to her waffles.

The rest of the weekend came and went and soon we were back to Monday.

The bell just rang as a reminder for us to get to third period. The girls and I walked from our cars, like we always did, to the classroom. Jace was already sitting in his seat behind me, as usual. This period was going to be difficult. I had the girls AND Jace surrounding me.

At the beginning of the year, the teacher of this class had decided that we were mature enough to choose where we would like to sit. We could choose wherever, but if we got out of hand, she would move us. So naturally, my friends and I sat together. I was in the center, Jace behind me (because he was taller), Lucy to the right, Gemma to the left, and Rae in front of me. So, like I said, I was surrounded.

As the last bell rang, a man walked in carrying a bouquet of beautiful flowers! OH MY GOSH! Japanese orchids, gerber daisies, and yellow roses were all of my favorite flowers! (I know it sounds like a weird combo, but I love them.) Whoever was getting these was a a very lucky girl. OH, WAIT! That's me! I felt supremely idiotic for not remembering that "Garrett" had sent them to me, sooner.

"Avery Quinn? Is there an Avery Quinn here?" the delivery man asked.

"Yes, that's me." I said, trying to sound suprised and shocked. I thanked the man as he left.

"Who are they from, Avery?" my teacher asked.

"Um, my boyfriend, mam." I said and bit my lip. As I looked up, Jace's eyes flashed in jealously, then regret, then shame as he put his head down on his desk. I took in the looks from everyone else in the class and the majority of girls seemed envious, while the other half (this half including my friends) stared dreamy-eyed at me, like this was the most romantic this they had ever witnessed. The boys, however, seemed to hear only the word boyfriend and I couldn't really read their faces...

"Well, read the note to the class, dear." she demanded.

"Isn't that kind of private, mam?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't push.

"If your boyfriend has the nerve to send flowers during class hours and YOU have the nerve to recieve them in class, you both forfeit your privacy rights!" she yelled!

"I'm not sure I understand that logic-" I was cut off.


"Fine, fine." I replied, calmly. It was just a generic message. How bad could it be?

"The note says: Act normal. That's already crazy enough..." I trailed off. WHAT?! What kind of a generic message is this?! This is the last time I pick a message blindly!!! The entire class laughed and hollered as my face reddened and I went back to my seat. My friends were laughing and I could even hear Jace snickering behind me. When did he get the right to laugh at me?! What on Earth have I just done to myself?!

**A/N: Hi guys! I did it! An upload in the middle of the week! I hope you guys liked it! And I am #94 on What's Hot! You guys did it! You let me break the 100!!! Thank you for your support!!!! I've also decided that I love votes now, just as much as comments, but I still am keeping my promise about putting a minimum on them before I will upload. That is dumb to me. Anyway, I love your comments and if you want to comment, but you don't feel like I'll see it or respond: I will! I actually do take the time out of my day to respond to each and every comment, every day. If you have a question about me, or about the story, don't hesitate to ask! I will answer! I love you guys. Thanks for fanning! And voting! And commenting! Oh, and did you like who I had in mind for Jace? Alex Pettyfer...mmm he is delicious. and Garrett Hedlund as Garrett Cross. Or in other words, my future husband... haha i'm crazy. If you don't know who those people are, I will tell you. Alex Pettyfer was just recently in I Am Number Four and Beastly. Garrett Hedlund was Sam Flynn in Tron:Legacy and he was also Murtaugh in Eragon and he also plays Jack in Four Brothers, if that helps. Anyway, love them, love you, love everyone, love reading, love writing. I'll upload again on Saturday, unless I'm feeling extra fun! -Maili<3**

**IMPORTANT MEMO: Should I enter this in the Watty Awards? Would people vote for it? I don't even know... Tell me what you think!**

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