WAIT! He's real?! Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Moping through school for the second day in a row, I’m pretty sure I looked just as awful as I felt a hand come in mine. Glancing up, I saw a sad, but dazzling smile. My heart almost melted.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he said stopping me with a gentle hand. “I know you’re still down about Jace. I want to help you have a good moment this week. We are going out tonight.” Garrett had made up his mind. He whipped out his phone and began to send text messages.

“I’m sorry, I don’t really feel like going, but… Who are you texting?” the clicking of keys had peaked my curiosity.

“Your friends,” he replied, but quickly added, “Don’t look so scared! You don’t have to worry about a thing. The are going to take care of you and get you ready.”

“Ready for what?” I questioned, my eyes narrowing.

***A/N: Hi guys! Hope you're still with me! I've enjoyed this ride so much! I am so blessed to have all of you with me! As you all may know, this story is going to be published! It is going to be an eBook first, and then hopefully a hardcopy. I have a really special contest for you all. I want you guys to post YOUR versions of the main characters on Garrett's Facebook wall! I want to see Avery, Gemma, Rae, Lucy, Garrett, Jace, even Jordi and Sage! I want to see what they look like in your mind's eye. Find the link to Garrett's Facebook on my Wattpad profile page and post them there! I'll take time to review them all and decide the lucky winners! The prizes will be announced next upload! I love you guys! Have a good week!!! <3 Maili <3***

“A night out, obviously…” he said, smiling a sickly-sweet smile as he dodged my question. “You can’t say no. I’ve already made commitments.”

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes at his eagerness. “What do I have to wear?”

“Like I said, don’t worry. Lucy is working on your clothes. Gemma is doing your make-up. And Rae has your hair all figured out, already.” He seemed quite confident in this whole idea, so I decided to roll with it.

The rest of the morning went by rather slowly as I had nothing to entertain me, but my own thoughts. The girls wouldn’t talk to me, except to ask what time they should come over. They were so wrapped up in keeping tonight’s plans a secret. I was left alone with my brain. It was constantly trying to guess where we were going and what we were going to do. After lunch, time passed much faster, now that I wasn’t with my friends who were excluding me.

I walked out to my car to wait for Jordi. Thank goodness it was fixed. Driving with Jace after the scene we all caused would have been the most excruciatingly awkward and painful experience.

Jordi got in the car and I tried to dispel all thoughts of Jace from my mind. Jordi switched the radio on to her favorite station. Song after song after song after song all somehow reminded me of Jace. One of them I had never even heard before, but the lyrics were still meaningful to me somehow. I was thinking about him way too much for my own good.

I pulled in along the curb across the street from my house. When I walked to the always-open garage door, I noticed that my three best friends were already there with tools in hand.

Surprisingly, I didn’t even say everything as they dragged me to the torture chamber, also known as my bedroom, where my vanity stood. Rae pulled out my favorite reading chair and motioned me to sit.

Gemma then pushed my head back and closed my eyes for me. Someone then inserted ear buds into my skull and pressed play on some very soothing classical music.

I was finally able to relax when I let myself get taken away by the music. I felt a damp cloth run over my face and assumed Gemma was taking off my makeup. My hands and feet were dipped in warm water, getting softened for a manicure and pedicure.

I was pulled out of my meditated state when the hair from my eyebrows began to be plucked. Gemma rolled her eyes at my now glaring ones and continued to tweeze.

My eyes watered, but I couldn’t pull away. My hands were restrained as my nails were being painted. My feet were pampered just the same. It was definitely nice not having to worry about anything for a change. I could only feel that way for so long, though. That’s who I was. I was a worrier.

After my skin and nails were finished, I was glowing. We all moved on to the next task. We switched the music from my headphones to my speakers, so we could all enjoy the music. None of us spoke. We all just did our duties in silence. It was nice enough just being together.

Lucy ironed the clothes she had pre-picked out while Rae curled, twisted, and pinned my hair. Gemma added color to my clean face, ending with a bright, red, lipstick on my shapely lips.

The girls covered my mirror and left me to change. I looked down at my nails, which matched my lips. My toes, however, were a shiny black. I slipped into the dress Lucy picked out with the matching sweater.

I called the girls in and they put a scarf over my eyes. They sat me on my bed and helped me into my shoes. Rae led me over to the mirror while Lucy fixed the lights to highlight me just right. Gemma undid the blindfold after the girls took the cover off the looking glass.

I gasped as I took a look at myself. They had done a super job, if I do say so myself. They watched me with eager eyes as they gauged my reaction. I smiled and they relaxed. My teeth sparkled while framed by red lipstick. I looked like I had stepped right out of old Hollywood. My white dress with black polka-dots really made the red pumps pop. My mom came in with the last touch, my grandmother’s black, pearl earrings and neckalace.

Jordi walked in with the camera and took pictures of my friends and the tremendous work they did. I was ushered down so fast that I only had a moment to realize that I had forgotten my ring.  I came down the stairs to see the boys of  my family. My dad just smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

“Whoa…” was all that came out of a speechless Zander.

“Ehh, I’ve seen better.” Chase commented…the little snot.

I was about to come back at him, but was interrupted by the doorbell. Zander ran to get the door, opened it, and slammed it shut behind him. Jordi and I rushed after him before he could do any damage. I yanked the door open and both of us froze. GRL ran over to see why we came to a halt. We stopped in our tracks because Garrett looked like he should have been born in that suit.

It was perfectly tailored to him. I quickly shut my mouth for fear of drooling. It was amazing how much a suit and a tie could do. I thought Garrett couldn’t have been more gorgeous than when I had first met him. Turns out it was possible for him to be one of the most beautiful men on the planet.

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