WAIT! He's real?! Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I walked the two blocks back to my house. I little piece of me died as I watched Jace's heartbreak...again. How could I be such a monster? How could I do that to my best friend, twice? I am a sick individual. Both Jace AND Garrett deserve someone better than me. I don't deserve to feel happy right now.

I got to my house feeling sick to my stomach. I guess I walked in looking so, because Jordi came right up and silently helped me to my room. It was as if she knew what had happened and that I needed her. She sat me down on my bed, brought me a glass of water, and before she closed my door she said, "When you're ready." There is nothing better than a sister who can be your best friend...

As I lay on my bed thinking about Jace, I began to cry. Heavy sobs overcame me and I was drowning in my tears. I then thought about Garrett. How could I have forgot about him? I was so wrapped up in Jace that I didn't even give him a thought. I'm cheating in my mind! I'm giving my best friend more attention than my boyfriend. The tears had stopped, but were now flowing once again. I was a hormonal wreck going back and forth worrying about who I should actually be worrying about.

Pathetic. That was one word to describe my state. I was feeling lousier than ever that next morning. I already told myself that I wasn't leaving the house that day. I spent most of it moping in my own self pity. I did miss my friends, though. So, I decided to text Gemma.

Avery: Hi Gem! Miss you! How was life without me? Anything interesting happen in my absence?

Gemma: Um not quite, but I do think there is something you should hear about. I heard about this last night from Rae and I saw it with my own eyes this morning...

Avery: What? It can't be too bad...Can it?

Gemma: You are not going to like this one bit...I saw Sophia hanging all over Jace this morning!!! Rae saw them at a party last night.

Avery: No. Way.

Gemma: Yes! Rae also said that he didn't look too into it last night, but from what I saw this morning...they were lookin' pretty chummy.

Avery: No! No! NO!!! I can't believe him! He knows she's an SWSB!!! 

Gemma: I know, Avey baby. I don't know what has gotten in to that kid, but something has got him all twisted up...

Well, I know what that is...and it's my fault. Wait, if I was the one who broke his heart, why am I the one crying and he's out partying?

Avery: I'll talk to you later, Gem. Thanks for the scoop.

Gemma: Don't worry, Ave. Things will work themselves out. Oh! And your beau is too CUTE! We saw that he put more pics up on his new Facebook account and he is an absolute dream boat! Lucky duck!

Avery: Haha thanks. I know. ;) He is too perfect. And tell the girls to get excited......because Garrett is moving here! He'll be at school on Tuesday!


If there is one thing that Gemma doesn't lack, well, that's enthusiasm.

I was grateful for text messaging at that moment, because I knew that if I had told her that news over the phone, she would have known something was up.

Why on Earth is Jace with Sophia. He knows I hate her!....Wait, he knows I hate her. Is he trying to make me mad and get back at me? Or is she really a rebound? Either way, things were bound to get hectic on Tuesday. I was dreading third period...

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