WAIT! He's Real?! Chapter 21

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Chapter 21- The Unexpected Answer

I was about to answer when he answered for me.

“No, I’m sorry. I can’t do this to you.” He apologized.

“Wait, do what? I’m sorry? I don’t understand what you’re saying… Gar?” I asked, different tears surfacing. I let go of his hands, leaving mine cold.

“Avery,” he said tenderly, “I cannot ask you to be my girlfriend when I know you love another…and he loves you back.”

“What are you saying, Garrett?” I said, slowly trying to fight another heartbreak.

“I know you love Jace, Avery. It is so clear to me.” Garrett said steadily. “When I look in your eyes, sometimes, you’re not even there and I know that you’re thinking of him.”

“But I—“

“Stop, let me finish.” He said kindly. “I pieced it together when Sophia was ranting.” He took a long breath and continued.

“She said that you have Jace wrapped around your finger. Which is true. That guy would do anything for you.”

“I didn’t know if you loved him, at that point, though.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I knew that you loved him, actually, but I didn’t know how much or if you even loved him as more than a friend.” He sighed as his story continued.

“I found out, when you went home from school after the Sophia/Jace incident. That’s when I knew you loved him back.”

“Garrett, I—“ I tried to speak, but he wasn’t finished.

“I knew that somewhere along the line that you could have learned to love me. I just couldn’t let myself be selfish enough to keep you. I almost did, but I couldn’t knowing you’re meant to be with was just around the corner.”

“This was the shortest and worst date I have ever been on, Mr. Cross.” I sniffled through massive sobs. “Why are you trying to tell me who I love? I think I would know MY OWN heart!”

“I am so sorry. We will still be friends, though. It’s just a feeling that I have. Let’s go get some ice cream.” Garrett said, taking me in his arms.

“No,” I said quietly. “I just want to wallow in my heartache for a while. Did you really think this was the best time to do this? Right after Jace? Come on! Take me home, please.” I was drained. I felt nothing.

I said goodbye to my now fake ex-boyfriend. I snuck into my bedroom, trying to go undetected. I didn’t quite want to explain why I was back so early just yet.

I took off my make-up, undid my beautiful hair, slipped off that great dress and wondered how anyone could love this wreck.

Putting on a large t-shirt, I tried to think of only positive attributes about myself. It’s too bad that I could only come up with the things I’d done to screw up the beginning and the rest of my senior year…real swick, Avery. Really swick.

I took my pillow to my face and screamed, hoping this muffled the sound enough. I then cried a little. Then, I screamed some more. This cycle went on for at least an hour. Scream. Cry. Scream. Cry. Sometimes a screaming cry, others a crying scream. All I could do was wonder why I did this to myself. Why couldn’t I have just manned-up and asked a boy out? Maybe, it’s because somewhere, I already knew I loved Jace that way… Nah, that’s not it. Another boy had to help me to realize it…and I thought boys were the stupid ones!

This whole thing started with one little lie…Imagine what a big lie could do.

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