WAIT! He's Real?! Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- The Break-up….Party?

I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning and did what I always did. I ate breakfast, did my chores, and then showered. After I was clean, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Georgia had brought over another chocolate cake for me. I didn’t think anything could make me feel better, but I rushed downstairs for it, despite that doubt.

“Now here’s something that won’t hurt me or make me cry.” I said as I took in decadence. I cut out a huge slice and sat in my favorite chair.

Before I took a bite, I read the note that came with it.


     I promise he’ll come around… In the meantime, I thought you could use this cake as a friend to keep you company. Don’t worry, honey. I know boys are stupid. Ask your mom. She’ll tell you. She’ll also tell you why she married one.



I did smile after that. I smiled even wider when I took my first bite of cake. I fell into a blissful, full-tummy sleep after I had licked my plate clean.

I was rudely awakened some odd minutes later when four girls jumped on me simultaneously. Those losers would be: Gemma, Rae, Lucy, and Jordi… I hate them.

“Get up! It’s time to party!” Rae screamed in my ear.

“What are we celebrating? My super ability to either make boys hate me or make me cry?” I sassed.

“Whoa there, spicy. Leave the venom for the snakes. “ Lucy chimed.

“Yeah, we’re just here to help you, stupid.” Jordi added.

“Now, now. There’s no need for name calling, Jordi.” Gemma chastised. “Avey-baby, time to get up and have some fun.” She tried to move me, but I went limp.

“Do NOT go dead-body on me, you mopey dweeb!” she yelled.

“No need for name calling, huh?” Jordi repeated. “Hypocrite.”

“Hey! It was necessary,” argued Gemma. “Now are you punks just going to sit there? Or are you going to help me drag her?”

I just got up on my own then, not wanting to be dragged. They all looked at me, surprised, because normally I would have been stubborn and laid there. They led me into the next room where our “party” was happening. They had decorated it with streamers, balloons, and posters of all my favorite celebrities. The table along the wall had my favorite foods on it. The centerpiece was my all-time favorite: Mom’s homemade enchiladas. The rest of Georgia’s cake was there. So, one piece was on the cake plate because the rest had been demolished. Even Zander contributed and made his specialty Heathbar cake.

My favorite music was blaring through the speakers and we watched the corresponding music videos as we began to dance. We literally danced until we dropped. All of us were so tired. We popped one of my favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice, and just vegged.

After the movie was over, it was only about 9:30pm. We were all so sore that we decided to go to the hot tub down the hill at the community pool.

We grabbed suits and bolted out of the door. Screaming more music, dancing in the car, pointing at random people, were just a few of the things we did to make others on the road feel awkward. Some people laughed, which is what we wanted. Others were weird-ed out, which made us laugh, but was also what we wanted.

We made it to the pool in record time. That’s what happens when you let Gemma, or Rae, for that matter, drive. You get there speedily…and dangerously. We reached the hot tub and Lucy hit the jets before we all took a dip. Some of the other people from school showed up and most of them went into the heated pool, but a couple of girls, that we knew, joined us.

Ashlyn, Rowan, and Ella, who was actually Gemma’s cousin, came and chatted with us. It really was a party now! Thoughts of either boy had not came into my mind since that morning. I didn’t really know Ashlyn that well, so I spoke with her the most. She was a spunky, little brunette with a ton of fire. She told me about her boyfriend and how I reminded her of him… That was weird, but I’m sure it was a compliment. Then, things got awkward when she asked about my love life. GRL took over and told the tragic story that is my life. The three girls were quickly on my side and felt sorry for me. That’s just what I needed: more pity. I think I was giving myself enough as it was. After that awful conversation, things got worse. Jace and Sophia had shown up to the other party.

I saw them walk in together. I watched them talk to everyone else. He had a smile on his face and for once in my life, I couldn’t tell if he was happy or not. That is all I want for him. I just want his happiness. After this thought, I took a step back from myself. I had just had an epiphany: I am in love with Jace Michaels.

I didn’t realize it until now, but a perfect love is where you just want each other to be happy. I have a perfect love with my family. I once had a perfect love with Jace. Now, sadly, I believe it is one-sided. I’m not going to stand in the way of his life. If he wants to be with Sophia, he can be. She said she’d try to hurt him, but he wouldn’t listen to me, even if I tried to warn him. I’ll always be there for him. He might not always want me there, but I’ll be waiting for the day when he needs me as I need him.  I snapped back into reality, and came out of my love woes, when the others noticed their arrival.

“Oh. My. Goodness.” Ella cried, “You’re life is like a soap opera. I can’t believe they happen to be here!”

“Yeah…totally awesome, right?” I tried to laugh, but it just came out as a snort/sob thing.

“Oh, dear. That noise you just made was TOO funny!” Ella made us forget who was there. I think it was her reasoning for saying it anyway. She really was a sweet girl. She was completely swick in every way.

Pretty soon everyone was doing her interpretation of the noise I made. Rowan’s was definitely the closest. She wasn’t afraid of making a fool of herself. We were laughing so hard! I couldn’t breathe and I accidentally inhaled the water. I choked and spat all of it back out and that made us roar even louder than before. We were attracting attention. We accidentally attracted some unwanted attention. All laughter immediately ceased.

The unexpected then happened. All of the girls got out of the Jacuzzi and charged Sophia. She screamed and kicked as all seven of them grabbed her and carried her back to the pool. I giggled and laughed as I watched her try to struggle out of their grip. I wasn’t even aware of Jace staring until I looked back over.

“What?” I asked in a small voice. I just wanted him to leave before I got hurt again.

“I can’t do this right now!” Jace yelled angrily and walked away.

Can’t do what? I wondered.

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