Chapter One

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"So, you helped her leave?" I ask Booker and Rhys again.

Booker, a.k.a. Nam Minsu, internationally adored lead rapper from the Korean pop band CB5, gives me a look like I'm a fucking idiot.

"Your girl left in a tiny limo with her sister late, late at night and you don't know? That strikes me as pretty fucking negligent. Everyone knows there's been a lot of shit happening where Bexley is concerned and we," Booker, that asshole, makes a gesture indicating 'we' is the whole world aside from Bexley's boyfriends, "were under the impression you were handling it since, you know, it's fucking dangerous for her. But then, maybe we've misunderstood your relationship with her and she's not your girlfriend? Or, hmmm, could it be you treated her so badly that she left? I mean, who knows, maybe you're selfish, spoiled little pigs dismissive of the danger to her because you're just that fucking awful?"

Booker is an asshole.

"She was so fucking quiet as we walked her across campus to her sister. We walked with her so she wouldn't walk alone late late on a very dark night. She seemed quite...fragile. Pale face, frowning, sniffling back tears. Why might that be?" Rhys, a.k.a. Cha Jihun, twists the knife, "I would hope that a woman like her is being treated well by the men claiming their loyal to her. It's sick how many asshole psychopaths have openly expressed a desire to seriously harm her, we assumed you were protecting her," Rhys shakes his bleached, platinum blonde head, and mutters morons, or something akin to that in Korean.

"And yet, Bexley walked across campus tonight very much by herself. None of the guys who've acted like they're so committed to her coming to make sure she's safe. To leave her, a particularly vulnerable classmate, unprotected while some dumbasses are still actively trying to harm makes me fucking sick. Were you hoping she would be hurt?" Booker points an angry, accusing finger at us.

"Where did she say she was going?" Oz asks, not moving to kick these, unfortunately correct and legitimately concerned, assholes out of his house.

"We didn't ask, dumbass," Booker says, raising an eyebrow.

This jackass should look dumb wearing eyeliner but instead he looks like the super fucking hot megastar he is, he probably has to fight off the multitude of ladies trying hop on his jock for a hard dicking.

It makes me want to fucking smack the shit out of him.

Does Bexley think he's hot?

"Honestly," the asshole continues, "it didn't occur to either of us at the time that you fucking idiots wouldn't know where she was and what she was planning on doing. She's not as safe here as she should be, and if you were going to decide to stop dating her you should have told people. This campus is filled with men totally desperate to take your place, any of them would have happily safely escorted her to wherever she wanted to go. She could have another set of boyfriends in under five seconds. Some other guys, of the loads who've expressed avid interest in her, could have been told you broke up so that Bexley was not alone late at night when some careless college men are drunk and carousing on campus. I can think of a dozen good men off the top of my head who would leap at the chance to date Bexley Whittaker. Any one of them would have come immediately to take her home and cared for her in a heartbeat."

"Slow your roll, Smythe," Rhys raises a hand, as Ryker stands and starts to advance on Booker, "Booker and I are not among those hopeful men, though had she been single longer...or at the beginning of the year perhaps we might have considered her instead of dismissing her as not an option," Rhys taunts Ryker, I think he's full of shit but it still chafes that he says it, "We have our eye on another young lady. Though, sadly, she ignores us," he murmurs randomly, frowning at the ground before looking up again to pin our pathetic asses with laser sharp black eyes. "That you didn't keep your girlfriend safe is on you, if I were her I wouldn't take you back no matter how you begged, and I can see the plans to beg formulating in your tiny brains already, it's written all over your dumb as fuck faces."

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