Chapter Two

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The dorm hallway is empty when we get back to Rigs Redding on Tuesday night. I have two midterms tomorrow, two Thursday and one on Friday. I've missed one swim practice but decided to explain to Coach Evans that I went through a break up over the weekend and just needed a minute to breath. He, weirdly, said that if I thought I went through a break up and needed to breath he suggests I invest in an oxygen tank. I didn't question his weirdness, I'm still too tired.

I close and lock my door and keep the overhead lights out, only turning on the lamp next to my bed so I can study a little more before going to sleep. Someone knocks softly on my door twice in the two hours I study. I check my phone for texts so I can be sure it's none of my female friends and then ignore the knocker.

When I get up in the morning there are envelopes lying on the floor in front of my door. Six of them. I pick them up, recognize handwriting from each of the ex's and drop the envelopes on top of my desk, unopened.

I have to focus on midterms, not on stupid boy drama.

I'm fucking petrified to open my door once I'm ready to go. I don't want to see Phoenix or Eli and I can't remember if I knew when their first midterm exams are. I take a deep breath and crack the door. The hallway is empty so I quietly shut my door and slip out of the dorm.

Unfortunately for me, my French midterm is right after biology and I'll have to see Ryker. I think I'm prepared. This test should be really fast for me so hopefully I can get in and out of the classroom and back to my dorm without having to talk to anyone. I'm not feeling as numb so I'm not sure how I'm going to react to seeing them.

Part of me keeps forgetting they're not mine anymore. And that on top of that they hate me. I'm pretty sure I've got Dear John letters on my desk in my room. I don't think I need to open them and see what they say. I imagine they just want to be sure I get it that we're done.

I get it.

Believe me, I fucking get it.

Livin' the nightmare, over here, livin' the nightmare.

Ryker is in the classroom when I arrive but Professor Sarat is at the door handing out the tests, mine comes with a blue book that nobody else has. I find when I take a seat, ignoring Ryker altogether, that the professor's asked that I translate a poem in addition to taking the multiple choice test. The whole thing takes me maybe forty-five minutes and I'm out the door.

Ryker is waiting in the hall when I come out and I walk past him without making eye contact but he starts walking with me.

I can do this, though. I can walk and ignore him or even maybe make, like, small talk.

I'm a strong woman.

I don't need to be with men who don't want me and can't see my awesomeness and how fucking fantastic I am, goddamnit.

"Did you get my letter?" He asks in that silky voice that makes my lady parts quiver against my will.

Calm down vagina, I fucking hate you.

"Yeah, I did, thanks Ryker," I walk a little faster, working hard not to stumble down the stairs of the building as I head back to my room. Five minutes. It's a five minute walk. I can do this.

"Oh," Ryker let's me walk ahead of him but...I can feel him at my back as well as I can hear his footsteps behind me.

"You needn't have written it, you know," I say, unable to help myself. I can hear the tears in my voice and my throat is clogging up, "I understood that night when I heard you all standing around Dane's bed." I fling open the door to my dorm and sweep through, running up the stairs and slamming into my room. I realize once I'm in my room that he didn't follow me into the building and I don't know if I'm happy or sad or angry about that.

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