Chapter Eight

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Phoenix and I are taking Bexley home with us, I decide, looking around Lev and Sarranne's townhouse as the party winds down.

Tonight was the last football game of the year and Kai and Oz, despite a valiant effort don't have the energy for a real party and Bexley....well, she's a Bexicle after sitting in the arena, after dark, in early December. Plus, we all have finals to study for, there's not time to be fucking around, partying too hard.

Anyway, Bex seems to end up staying at Oz and Ryker's more than anywhere else, when she's not staying in her own room that is. I want some time though, and I want to sleep next to her and Phe, that hasn't happened in awhile and I miss holding her. I miss sleeping in between the two of them.

I also want to orchestrate getting Phe's dick into Bexley's mouth.

It's a good place for a dick, a really good place.

It's amazing how much more interesting sex has become. When I get my hands on Bexley it sometimes feels like I'm doing things I've never done before when in reality, god knows, I've done it all. I like it all. I've always loved it with Phoenix and been interested when we've included a third person, but not like I'm interested in Bexley.

I'm in love with her.

Funny how it's that simple.

The emotional attachment makes sex so much better. I love the excitement of being with someone that I care about, I know that fades a bit, but the result is better than maintaining that high level of excitement.

I love feeling like wherever Bexley and Phoenix are is where I belong too.

Unlike a couple of the guys I have a really awesome family and I've always felt I belonged with them, but this feeling with Bexley and Phoenix, and the rest of the guys? It's different. It's deep and all encompassing and I feel...privileged.

After everything that's happened this semester, I think it's clear in each of our minds just how deeply we've come to care for Bexley, and how invested we've become as a set.

I know Phe isn't as deeply in love with her yet, but I would venture a guess that he's the only one. Kai clearly came to the realization that he's in love with her when he thought she'd been lying to all of us and it leveled him. He wouldn't have freaked out so big if his emotions, his hopes, weren't solidly engaged.

I'm not sure what's holding Phe back, I'm hoping it's not me. Bexley is hard not to care about and enjoy. She's funny and smart and beautiful. She's not a pushover but she's got a soft heart and she's a calm person, her presence is soothing.

Being in love, I don't think, is the same as loving. I'm not only in love with Phoenix, I love him. I'm in love with Bexley but haven't gotten to the point of loving her the same way I do Phe, he's my person. If I were to venture yet another guess I'd say Ryker is the only one who loves her that way right now. I think he did from nearly the beginning. He's a guarded, cold person. I think he met Bexley and she just lit him up inside immediately and he loved how she made him feel, fell in love with her, and then loved her.

"All right you fools, we're taking Bexley back to the dorm tonight," I stand and stretch. Bexley's eyebrow goes up and I grin at her, "Assuming she'll go, that is."

"Sure," she smiles at me. "I want a shower and my own pajamas."

"You know you can always leave things here," Oz tells her.

"Or with us," Kai adds and Oz gives him a neutral look that still manages to say fuck off copycat.

"Okay, that'd be good. I feel like I end up not in my room a lot, so having some of my own things would be nice," Bexley smiles and yawns as she stands.

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