Chapter Seven

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I wake up briefly later in the night and when I ask if anything's happened with the sophomore girls, Oz tells me that nothing's changed in the last hour.

"Listen," he says, pulling me over to face him, "I hope you know coping with all this upheaval is worth it to me and to the other guys, I hope it's worth it to you as well."

"Yeah," I lean forward and kiss his mouth briefly, "it's worth it."

"Ryker," Oz pauses and I can see in the dim room that he's sort of looking around to find the right words. "He may be a source of trouble for you but don't let it get to you. He can be a really difficult to understand, like, he's complex emotionally, but he's a loyal man."

"Okay?" I'm not getting what he's meaning here.

"Ahhhh, just, give Ryker time, okay? It'll be harder with him I suspect," Oz kisses my forehead, "go to sleep. We're both tired and I'm probably not being clear."

"Yeah," I yawn and turn back over so Oz can be the big spoon.


When I wake up it's Ryker I'm sleeping on and I can feel Oz isn't in the bed anymore.

"Time?" I ask, I know he's awake because he's running his hand up and down my back.

"9," he murmurs.

"When's the game?"


Ah, so Oz has left for the fieldhouse to get ready.

"I need a shower," I sigh and roll to my back, Ryker follows me over.

"First, me," he mumbles as he kisses my collar bone.

His hand slips under my shirt to cup my breast and I inhale, squeezing my thighs together.

Ryker pushes my t-shirt — okay, Oz's t-shirt I stole to sleep in — up to my neck and leans over to swirl his tongue over the tip of one breast and then the other, stopping to suck it into his mouth. I thrust my fingers into his silky white blonde hair and whimper when he pulls away to kiss down my belly. I stop whimpering when he reaches his destination and slides my panties down. The first touch of his lips on me leaves me breathless, it's every bit as amazing as I imagined it would be. His mouth is magic and he's really, really into this, his groans vibrating through my body until I'm feeling totally insane. The temptation to grab his head and use his hair as reins is strong, I manage to resist and the orgasm he gives me makes my whole body tighten in ecstacy.

As I sit up and look at his astonishingly beautiful face, I hope the orgasm I want to give him is as good for him as the one he just gave me. His sexy, sleepy eyes widen when I push him onto his back and crawl over his beautiful, lean body to see how good I can make his morning.


This is a very large penis.

I mean, I knew that, but Jesus in the blinding light of day it's like...damn. I wondered if Eli would fit in my mouth, I'm now wondering if Ryker will fit...anywhere...I give it a whirl anyway, pleased when I find it works pretty good.

Among a series of oh god's and please, yes, like that's Ryker comes hard, watching me alertly. It's amazing, he's amazing, and oral sex is completely intoxicating.

We flop back down on the bed, a little sweaty, but totally blissed out, and fall back asleep cuddled together.

We wake up again to the sound of Dane yelling and pounding on the door and end up having to scurry to shower and get dressed. I throw on the clothes Eli brought along for me and we head to the store to buy tailgating food and beer.

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