Chapter 13

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I want more sex, like, now, I think to myself, tuning out of the conversation flowing around me as I watch Dane grilling burgers, his silky black hair falling over his forehead.

I can't seem to stop thinking about sex when I look at him, even though all he's doing is standing at the grill, holding a spatula in one hand and a can of beer in the other.

His fingers are so long, I notice. I like how they look wrapped around that can. About as much I liked how they looked wrapped around one of my ankles earlier when he was fucking me.

He had his own box of condoms. They're a different kind from the ones I have and he used a lube because he was concerned that even though I was ready it would hurt because I'm not used to sex.

I liked the lube a lot too.

I liked that Dane was slow and gentle and really intense, emotional.

I liked how close I felt to him, our bodies connected.

I also like that I got to take a nap afterwards.

It was an exhausting morning.

Ryker didn't seem upset that we didn't go out to eat together though I was worried about that when I woke up. He just came and got me when the subs arrived and we ate sitting around the coffee table.

He said he just wanted to be sure I ate something before we came out to tailgate.

He seemed really worried about if I was tired or hungry. Everyone seems a little tense and worried, actually. I guess because there are a bunch of reasons to be tense and worried, starting with last night's little blow up and ending with my room getting trashed.

The useless campus police are looking into it, but Boone Fuchs is also looking into it so I actually think we might figure out what happened. Of course the cameras malfunctioned when the break in happened and the the locks on the doors failed as well.

Surprise, surprise.

So, someone with some power or knowledge or know-how or whatever is involved and it was definitely about evading being caught.

I guess it's good to know that at the very least they weren't looking to harm me, they were waiting for me to not be home so they could fuck up my stuff. While part of my brain keeps getting pulled towards worrying about it, the other part is much more interested in sex. Now that I know what I'm missing I know what I'm missing.

I want to make up for lost time.

I should've nailed one or all of them months ago.

I've been suffering and didn't even know it.

Ryker comes and sits next to me, a little devilish smile on his unholy beautiful face.


"Horny?" He asks me, tilting his head and raising a brow.

It's a good thing my mouth isn't full of beer, I'd spit it out right about now.

"Of course she is," gets whispered in my ear from behind me, Eli's hot breath brushing against my already overheated skin.

"Don't tease me," I whine, Ryker laughs and Eli nips my ear, making me shiver.

"Don't worry, Bex, there's plenty of dick to satisfy you," Eli chortles and I reach around my camp chair to try to swat at him but he dances out of the way. "I'm gonna impale you on my dick any time now!"

"Eli!" I blush and look at Phoenix and Kai who are standing slightly to the side of where Dane is grilling and Oz is helping him.

Phoenix and Kai both wink at me and I roll my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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