Chapter Three

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I took her tray to the conveyor belt when she jetted out of the cafeteria, not sure if I should follow her. She said words to me, so I didn't want to push my luck. I heard her voice for the first time in a week and it was enough for the moment.

My instinct was to tackle her to the ground and then have her surgically attached to me so this avoidance shit stops.

Ryker texts that Mitch just told him that Bexley admitted to not reading the letters we slid under her door.

Explains a lot.

Or maybe not. Maybe the letters wouldn't have swayed her anyway.

I thought at least Kai's would.

We lived at my house the days Bexley was gone and then moved into Eli and Phoenix's when she got back. I've never been so quiet in my whole life. I think we were equally afraid she'd figure out we were all pathetically huddling in the dorm to be close to her, to keep an eye on her, and afraid she didn't know we'd willingly live on top of each other just to be near her.

I don't want to sleep with Ryker anymore, though. Last night was the final straw with that shit, skinny or not he's still a big guy. I don't have enough room and I don't want his fucking elbow in my ribs anymore or to be so aware of another dude's morning wood.

I'm sleeping with Bexley tonight come hell or high water.

Or alone.

Probably alone.


Bexley takes a deep breath and stretches letting out this moan that makes my twitch even though I know she's not sexy moaning. The groans coming from my friends tell me I'm not the only one reacting like a horny a-hole.

I feel bad for pointing out earlier that her her hair is dirty, but it is. She's usually so meticulously clean, it's jarring to see that she's apparently only washing her face and hands at the moment. She looks tired and too thin.

I feel like such a fucking dick.

Ryker said that during the French exam she looked at him once and it was like she was looking at a stranger. Her face had this indifference to it that it never had even when she first met us and didn't know us.

"Come to insult me some more?" She asks, looking directly at me.


"I didn't mean to insult you. I wanted to talk to you," I shrug.

"By telling me my hair is dirty? I thought I told you to get lost, butthole," She turns over on her side facing away from us.

"Yeah, you did. Sorry, not sorry," I get up and go to stand over her, pushing her hair away from her face. She swats at my hand and I grab it, holding it in mine. "I am sorry for other things, though, mainly that you think we dumped you and that we think mean things about you."

"Oh, please, spare me, Oz," she squeezes her eyes shut, "I heard Kai. I don't know what you're doing here but it seems to me if you had any kind of feelings for me at all at any point when we were dating that you'd just leave me alone now. I'm sorry you wanted to know about the box, I didn't think it was a big deal. As for Marco. I'm not sorry about that one, I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud, okay? It hurt and I didn't want to talk about it. You're not my parent or priest, so you can all fuck off with demanding confessions."

"You're right about all of that. The conversation we had should never have happened and it certainly shouldn't have happened without you, if it was gonna happen at all. We made it us and you, and that's total bullshit. I'm sorry, Bexley," I kiss her forehead and hover over her, forcing her to let me keep holding her hand. "I can't change what already happened, I regret hurting you, I think you know that if it was even a little bit possible we'd erase this whole mess."

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