Chapter Ten

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I tell Bexley's breasts a bunch of secrets about how much I like her and how pretty she is, which she must like because she kisses the top of my head and laughs whispering that she likes me too.

I want to tell her I love her but I can't seem to do it. It's not the right time maybe? I don't know, Dane says we'll know when it's time.

I wonder a little bit if we aren't having sex because we haven't confessed to her?

I'm guessing the others must've confessed if they're taking her to bed, but none of us have talked about how far we've been with her so possibly not all of them have slept with her either.

This is the first time she's gotten me off with her mouth, not that I mind, I like everything she does and I want it to go at her pace. I don't really want to know what speed she's going at with anyone else, though, and I worry I'll be jealous when it's not about me or Dane.

"Come on," I pull her off the bed and lead her to the door.

"Wait, whoa!" She tugs at my hand, "I only have panties on."

"Dane's still downstairs, also he's seen you naked before so it hardly matters if you have clothes on or not," I tell her and drag her through the door to the bathroom. "I need a shower and I want you to help me. I'm exhausted from letting you suck my dick, I need you to help me get cleaned up. It's only right."

I grin at her and she rolls her eyes, "Sure, sure."

Once I'm done soaping her up and she's done soaping me up I get my mouth on her pretty cunt and make her come standing up in my shower. I love seeing her like this, uninhibited, her naked body glistening as she grips my head in her hands like she's afraid I'll stop licking her.

"That felt amazing," she sighs as I wrap her up in a towel.

"I know. I'm a god," I tell her.


We get changed and find a very grumpy Dane, surprise surprise, slouched on the couch upstairs

"Dinner's cold, assholes."

"Aw," Bexley goes and straddles Dane's lap. "I'm sorry," she hugs him and he leans his head to side, resting it against hers but continues to pout, giving me the evil eye.

I hold up my hands, "You need me to go warm things up?"

He nods so I head downstairs, knowing he wants her to do for him what she did for me. I wonder how long she'll be able to keep that up. She can't go around giving everyone a blowjob just because someone else recently had one, can she? That's crazy.

I poke around the kitchen until I find an unbaked lasagna in the fridge. That fucker. Dinner's cold, my ass. Dinner's uncooked, jackass.

I take the sticky note off the top and read the directions he left, written in Japanese no less, likely so it has to be me who finishes putting dinner together. He's such an ass sometimes, like I'd hog Bexley's time to the extent that he has to distract me away from her?


We're going to have to talk about just telling each other when we really need a private minute. This feels like a secret and I can't stand that. I'm surprised at him a little, he's even worse than I am when it comes to being secretive or lying.

I totally get not saying stuff to avoid hurting feelings, that's a good thing sometimes. You don't have to share every thought, but any normal adult knows which things are okay to conceal and which things are not o-fucking-kay to hide.

Rigs Redding University: Bexley 2Where stories live. Discover now