Chapter Eleven

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Dane sits in a club chair turned towards the couches and props his beer on his knee, while Kai pulls me down onto the couch with him and into his arms.

"Kai Yamamoto-Akana is handsome and pretty," I tell him and kiss his neck, dragging my lips down the sensitive skin there in that way I've noticed makes him catch his breath, "What are we going to do now?" I ask and I swear, I swear, as the words come out I mean them totally innocent. Like are we gonna watch tv, or play cards, or Wii, or whatever.

But Dane?

He doesn't take it that way.

"I have a suggestion," Dane comes to kneel in front of the couch, and gives me a come hither look that's impossible to misinterpret.

"Should we fuck?" Kai grins devilishly and, while I've heard this phrase a multitude of times, for some reason having him say it to my face makes my face heat.

I nod yes since I can't find words that make any sense and this was my plan for today anyway. Maybe that's why it makes my face hot, because for the first time I'm hearing it and planning on doing it.

I'm really excited too. I've been thinking about this so since the semester started in February. It's taken me two months to figure out how I want this go. And mainly I want to start my sexual experience with the twins because I don't get to do as many firsts with them as I do with the others. Other than this my only other first was our dinner date way back in the fall.

I think sometimes, too, the way certain shit rolled out made it so that they were a little slower to get close to me...but I feel like we've gotten really tight and I love them both so much. I want to show them that with my body.

I didn't save my virginity on purpose but I'm glad it's something I have to offer to them.

"I haven't done this before," I admit.

"With two guys at once?" Dane asks coming to sit next to me and Kai. Pulling me off Kai to sit between them, he tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear how I like.

"Sex,"I say. "I haven't had sex," I clarify when I get no response.

The silence after I say this is tense, I can feel how heavily the words hang in the air and my stomach tightens weirdly.

Kai slowly stands up from the couch and Dane stands with him.

Kai runs a hand down his face, "So. I'm sorry...," he says and stops.

Dane folds his arms in front of him and raises a skeptical brow, "You're a virgin virgin?"

I nod warily, the looks on their faces are offensive.

"Not to be a dick," Kai continues, "it's obvious you really know what you're doing when we're together."

"Right," Dane speaks up, his voice rough, "you seem like a real pro," he calls me a liar.

It takes a heartbeat and then another broken one for me to really hear 'lying whore' coming out of Dane's mouth.

I'm confused and embarrassed at the same time.

Why would I lie about being a virgin?

Quite frankly I can fuck everyone ever forever if it makes me happy. And I would tell the whole goddamn world that I fucked all the people cause it's my body and my choice.

I want to get up and say something clever and biting about how my life, thus far, has not been conducive to virginity loss. I was too fucking busy losing my dad to think about if I wanted dick or not.

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