Chapter Twenty-Nine: It's Vegas Baby!

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I woke up when the sun shone through my window. I stretched and looked around me room. Everything was how I left it last night but I felt something was missing. I shot up, events from last time coming to me in a rush.

Drew was here but where is he now? I rushed out of bed and ran down the stairs but he wasn't in the kitchen or the living room. He wasn't in the game room either. Upstairs was empty too.

I sat down on my bed sighing. I guess it was only for yesterday. I got ready really slowly and had a long lunch.

Only when I got upstairs again to do my homework I noticed the note that was stuck on my balcony doors.

'Hey Angel, sorry to leave you alone in the morning but something important came up so I had to go. Hope you are okay today. I will see you later on. Drew."

I could see the word love scribbled out as he just signed it at the end. I smiled as I remembered how sweet he was last night. Last night... Taylor! I gasped and grabbed my phone and rang up Taylor.

She picked up on the third ring. "go away Maddi I want to sleep." She groaned.

"It's twelve in the afternoon why are you still sleeping?" I asked, knowing full well why she was still sleeping.

"I have a massive hangover from last night and my head is killing me. Urgh I don't know why I drank so much." She moaned. "Why don't you have a hangover?"

"Because I didn't drink as much as you did, plus I had the whole night for the alcohol to be out of my system." I chuckled.

"Shh... Not too loud it hurts."

"Take some Advil and you'll be fine." I advised.

"Actually Alex left a glass of water and two tablets of Advil on my bedside table. He also wrote a note saying, 'Hey Taylor, you might not remember me but I'm Alex and I know we only met yesterday I would really like to get to know you more. Here's my number, call me if you want to talk.

Love Alex.

P.S. We didn't do things you didn't want to.' He such a gentleman isn't he? I'm going to meet him today, I've decided." She said finally.

"But you don't know what he's like." I said.

"That's why I'm going to get to know him. Just let me go Maddi, I'll be fine I promise." She pleaded. I eventually agreed and she croaked in excitement.

I guess one of my friends has a date. Thinking about date, where did my boyfriend go off last night? The moment I put down the phone I dialled Daniel's number.

'Hi this is Daniel. I'm not here at the moment, clearly, so leave a message and maybe, just maybe I'll call you back.' My phone call went straight to voicemail.

He always picks up the phone. Something must have been really wrong if he didn't pick up the phone. I began panicking. First I called up Ethan to ask, but he was hungover and wasn't much help. The last time Josh had seen him was last night. Brook didn't even remember what happened last night so it was down to Jamie to see if he was home.


"Hey Jamie, it's Maddi is Daniel there he isn't picking up his cell."

"Uh... No he's not. I don't know where he is. I assumed he was with you when he didn't come home last night. What is with you guys? He comes down to stay with me and ends up spending time with you." He said laughing. I forced a laugh too.

"Okay thanks anyways talk to you soon." I hung up, still worried about Daniel. I'm pretty sure Drew wouldn't know where he was since he was with me last night.

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