Wrong Direction

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Niall leaned forward over the steering wheel trying to peer through the driving rain that was lashing against the windscreen. He was tired , his eyes sore from concentrating on the road in this murky light and torrential rain. He sighed heavily. Why was he doing this? Because he was an idiot, he thought. He hadn't heard from Greg since they'd had a big fight months ago. Greg hated Niall's lifestyle and thought he should be home more often than he was. Niall tried to explain contracts and commitments to his older brother , but Greg was having none of it. But then the text arrived , with Greg begging him to meet up. Niall hated the distance that had appeared between himself and his brother, they used to be so close at one time, but this looked like a chance to put things right, so Niall had agreed. Which led him to driving down an unlit, lonely road in appalling weather.

Niall tried to read the sign that was at the side of the road, indicating a turn ahead . Some of the letters appeared to be either missing or he just couldn't make them out. He knew there was a turn he had to make soon so perhaps it was this one? He checked his GPS only to find it wasn't registering anything. He'd been driving for ages so this must be it, he thought. He flicked on his indicator light and committed to the turn. He saw a very brief flash of light to the side of him but when he looked properly, could see nothing. Maybe he imagined it. The road he was now on was dark and narrow, trees crowded the side of the road and their branches linked together overhead, making it appear like he was in a long and dismal tunnel. Niall sighed again. It had better be worth it, Greg, he thought. This road seemed to be another unending one and Niall glanced from side to side out of the windows to see if he could see any sign of habitation but there was nothing. The road started to rise up gradually and then suddenly he saw bright car headlights heading towards him. They were on full beam and Niall instinctively put up a hand to shield his eyes, the lights blinding him. His car hit a pothole at that point and the hand he still had on the steering wheel jerked causing the car to turn suddenly to the side of road. Niall had a brief view of shadows and trees and then the car hit something. Niall's head flew forward and banged against the steering wheel and he instantly blacked out.

Officer Zayn Malik climbed out of his cruiser and walked towards the damaged car, wanting to see who it was that had triggered the sophisticated alarm system their town had set up. They didn't like unexpected visitors and normally there were none. Most never turned onto this unwelcoming road, the fake sign they had put up at the turning point indicated it was an abandoned fuel dump, of no interest to anyone. He was curious to find out who had chosen to ignore the sign and why. He shone his powerful torch into the car window and onto the face of the unconscious driver. Zayn drew in a breath . The young man looked gorgeous, barely out of his teens, if that. He had blond hair, with brown roots barely showing, pale white skin with just a vague hint of stubble under the chin, and a petite body. Zayn opened the door carefully and placed two fingers gently on the man's neck to feel if there was a pulse. He let out a breath of relief as he felt it throb under his fingers. He stood back, suddenly deep in thought. This was perfect. Just exactly what he and his husband had been waiting for to happen. He pulled out his cell phone and speed dialled the first number.

"Li? There's been an accident just on 'View Hill". Young male driver gone into a tree. He's breathing but not conscious so I need you here now. And Li" he's perfect!".
Zayn listened to the voice at the other end of the phone then terminated the call. He stood looking down at the unconscious man as he chewed his lip. This was truly serendipity. Within a very few minutes, he heard the sound of an ambulance coming so quickly went and pulled his patrol car into the side. His husband Liam, accompanied by his work partner, Josh climbed out of their vehicle, Josh carrying a large bag of medical equipment. They made their was to the car and Liam began to examine the small man, noting the trickle of blood on his forehead and the large bruise already beginning to show. Zayn was right, he looked perfect. And the head injury might be really helpful to their situation, he thought. First things first though, and he carefully checked the man over.

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