Rest Assured, We Will Get To The Truth

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After bath time, Liam or Zayn deemed it "bonding" time with Niall and the small Irish man hated every single moment. It was so degrading. He knew that neither man viewed it in a sexual light, but it was so humiliating being cuddled when he was totally naked. It was barely tolerable when he was clothed. He did his best to close down his mind during those times and instead think about the instructions Harry had given him to look for ways of escaping their 'parents'. Unfortunately Niall only got to see his nursery and bathroom, the stairs, kitchen and den. He had no chance of seeing the rest of the house and looking for possible escape routes. He knew from his one attempt to leave the house that the doors were fitted with alarms, so he assumed the windows were as well. Maybe he and Harry would have a chance of bolting when they were in the park together but that didn't look possible at present. Harry was hampered by the leg braces and Niall knew he himself was losing muscle strength due to lack of any real physical exercise. Tears of frustration and despair leaked from his eyes.It seemed so hopeless.

"Mr Horan, the text was sent from your phone , yet you still maintain you didn't send it" the detective said in an even voice. "How do you account for that?"

" I can't because I don't know anything about it. It wasn't me, I tell you" Greg's voice shook with anxiety. "I didn't sent it, you have to believe me"

"Why do I? Phone records show that that text was sent from your phone to your brother the day he was last seen. It was sent from your phone, Mr Horan." the detective reiterated.

"But I didn't sent it. I keep telling you!"

"So you do but why don't I believe you? You have a history of tweets on social media that appear to attack your brother. Are you jealous of him?" the detective spoke quietly but his questions held a hint of menace. " That text, sent from your phone, asked your brother to meet you in a small and remote town so you could talk about your strained relationship. It's no secret that you disapprove of your younger brother's lifestyle, Mr Horan. So why would we believe you when you said you didn't sent it. It was your phone, Mr Horan".

"I didn't send it! How many times do I have to tell you? Why would report my brother missing if I was responsible for his disappearance?"Greg's voice held a note of panic.

"To throw us off the scent, perhaps? Or maybe you didn't realise we'd check phone records . I don't believe you are as innocent as you are making out, Mr Horan. But rest assured, we will get to the truth."
" you. I am telling the truth. I don't know where Niall is and I didn't sent that text!" Greg angrily pushed his chair away from the table, breathing heavily as he stood. "Can I go now?"

"Yes, go" the detective said " but we'll be speaking again soon.". Greg left the Interview room, slamming the door behind him. He was sick with worry. He knew he was in trouble unless he could prove he hadn't sent that text and, on top of everything, Niall was still missing.

Zayn raised his eyes from his computer. Niall was officially missing and the media were going wild. Initial enquiries, and requests for any information from the public had yielded no results and the investigation was being ramped up. The pint sized pop star had a large following and the media were having a field day. All the main papers had, that day, printed stories saying that Niall's brother , Greg, was 'helping police with their enquiries'. Louis had again hacked into the main police computer and both he and Zayn were carefully monitoring the situation. Louis was a technical genius and it would be impossible for the police to find out that the text wasn't sent by Greg. And Greg had a history of scathing social media attacks on his brother. As long as they could keep Niall hidden from the world, they'd be safe. He shut down the computer and stood. He was tired and just wanted to go home to his young husband and baby son. It had been a long day.

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