Waking Up with Amnesia

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Niall moved his head fretfully from side to side, his head throbbed painfully and he felt nauseous and far too hot. He opened his eyes, squinting due to the sudden brightness. Niall went to lift his hand to shield his eyes but the movement of his arm stopped abruptly. Peering through his eyelashes to limit the glare of the lights, Niall stared down at his arm. It was tied to the side of the railings that surrounded him. He looked at his other arm which was similarly restrained though this one had an IV line going into a canula in the back of his hand. Niall felt the panic rising. Where was he? And how did he get there? He shook his head from side to side in rapid, distressed movements, a scream leaving his throat.

"Sssh" A quiet voice said and Niall heard a rattling sound. He opened his eyes to see a very tall, elderly looking nurse lowering the side of the bed.
"You need to calm down, sweetie, you're not well. You had an accident. Do you remember?"

"N..n.no" Niall stuttered , feeling totally confused. "Accident?"

"Yes, sweetie. Do you remember your name?"the nurse asked

"Yeah, it's...it's...... Niall" he whispered.

"And what about your last name?" the nurse pursued

"I..I.. don't remember" Niall began to panic, struggling to sit up, despite his restraints. "Why don't I remember?" The nurse gently pushed him back down.

"Calm down, sweetie. It's all right. Your name is Niall Malik-Payne. You fell down the stairs and banged your head and hurt your little leg as well.. Your daddies are really worried about you. Now a nice doctor is going to come and see you and then your daddies will be allowed to take you home . Won't that be nice !" The nurse slid the side of the bed back up and, smiling sweetly at Niall, left the room.

Niall lay still, his mind totally confused. He just couldn't remember anything except his first name. That, at least , felt familiar to him. But falling down the stairs? Nothing, zip, nada. He didn't recall that at all. The pain in his head was slowly subsiding and he was able to look around himself without feeling so sick and dizzy. He appeared to be a hospital bed but it resembled a giant babies crib more . The bars surrounded all four sides of the bed and were very high. Niall thought they would be at least to his upper chest height if he was able to stand. Something felt very wrong but whatever it was refused to become clear to him. Though he tried to fight it, he succumbed to sleep.

Niall grudgingly woke again when the sound of the bars of his bed being lowered disturbed his sleep. His eyes adjusted immediately to the light this time and he looked up to see a large man looking down at him with a smile on his face.

"Well then, little man, how are you feeling?" the Doctor said as he pulled his stethoscope from his pocket and fitting it into his ears. He pulled up the hospital gown Niall was wearing and placed the instrument on Niall's chest, listening carefully. Once finished, he then felt around Niall's stomach, pressing gently and looking at Niall's face to see if there were any signs of discomfort. Seeing none, he pulled the gown down again then pulled the bed covers right down to Niall's ankles and looked closely at Niall's legs. His left knee seemed badly swollen and Niall couldn't hold back a gasp of pain when the doctor touched it.

"There, there, little man" The doctor said soothingly. "I know it hurts but the nurse will get you some nice medicine and it will take the pain away for you. Now I am going to talk to your daddies and nurse will come and give you a lovely bath and then you can go home . How does that sound?" Niall frowned up at him, now totally confused 'Little man'? 'Daddies'? Lovely bath' .He wasn't a baby so why was the doctor talking like he was?

"Umh" Niall said nervously "where exactly am I?"

"Oh bless you" the Doctor said " You're in "Peter Pan Children's Hospital"

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