I Deserve An Oscar.

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"That might have been the problem" Doctor Andrews said as Serena started to clean Harry up. "An upset tummy. Keep him well hydrated with water, Motrin for any fever and I'll visit in a few days to check on him. Do call though, if you're worried or if he gets worse." Harry mentally let out a sigh of relief. He knew it was shock that had made him sick and he didn't want the doctor coming and checking on him. She might spot the signs that he wasn't in the headspace they all supposed he was experiencing. But he had to do something to help Niall. Niall needed to be watched and warned. If he'd been given the same drug, wasn't it possible that it wouldn't work and he'd break free of it? Niall might not realise what was happening and give the game away. Harry had to start planning. He forced himself to let tears trickle down his cheeks and he cried , sounding as fretful as possible. I deserve an' Oscar' for my acting, Harry thought, as the two women continued to coo over him.

Zayn sat in the rocking chair, Niall cuddled into his chest, sucking on a pacifier, his bright blue eyes staring up at Zayn's face with a look of wonder on his small face. Zayn looked down, adoration on his own face. This was everything that he and Liam had ever wanted and now it had all come true. They had their own sweet baby boy. And, even better, now they wouldn't have to struggle trying to get Niall into a headspace any more. Drugs had achieved it for them. He bent his head and kissed Niall's forehead gently.

"I could cuddle you all day, baby boy, but Baba has to go to work and check that the bad men aren't coming to find you. Baba will keep you safe" Zayn promised as he stood up and carried Niall over to the crib where he lay him down, swaddled securely in a fluffy blanket. He propped up a teddy bear where Niall could see it, then raised up the side of the crib.Niall looked so tiny all wrapped up like a little burrito and Zayn's heart melted at the sight. But he had to work and reluctantly tore himself away.

"It will be all right, Zee, won't it?" Liam couldn't contain his anxiety as he watched Zayn shrug into his uniform jacket. "Greg got awfully close and then that Policeman looking over the fuel dump. What if he saw the cameras and the turning? If he had walked towards the trees, he'd have seen it."

"Babe, calm down. He didn't spot the cameras. They're too well hidden babe. Louis is good at his job. There's no reason for them to come back but we're prepared babe. Relax."

"But if Greg says he saw you, they'll look for you" Liam persisted.

"Li, Greg is the only one who saw me. They'll think he's lying. Look" Zayn pulled Liam into a brief hug then released him. "I gotta go. You relax and enjoy being with Niall. You'll have no problems beyond normal baby ones now". He smiled at his younger husband and let himself out of the panic room. Zayn walked through the deserted house and let himself out of the building. Moving to his car as usual. He had to make sure it looked like normal life was carrying on, just in case.

"Greg's been arrested" Louis said cheerfully as Zayn entered the station. "No alibi he can prove and plenty of evidence against him."

"You think they'll manage to keep him? No loopholes you can see?" Zayn immediately wanted to know.

"Not at the moment. The fact they found that he was heading towards to town the text mentioned didn't do him any favors. The main danger is that they come and poke around the fuel dump. That cop didn't spot the cameras, too sophisticated for most people to notice them., but it will only take one person to find one and it might blow the whole thing apart" Louis cautioned.

"And what about the new 'little' you brought back? Any chance you were spotted. If you got noticed....." Zayn didn't finish the sentence.

"Not a chance , mate. She was homeless and alone. It was dark when I nabbed her. I checked for cameras but she'd been holed up in those abandoned buildings on the west side. And now" Louis glanced down at his watch " she should be in the mindset of a newborn. The doc was going to regress her after she'd seen Harry. She won't be in a position to remember anything."

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