The Starts Of A Plan

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Niall tried hard not to think about what he was drinking as Liam pushed the teat of the bottle into his mouth. He had to acknowledge that it wasn't as bad a taste as the formula but it still felt alien in his mouth. He suffered it as long as he could before jerking his head away. Liam frowned at him, worry more than temper pulling his eyebrows together.

"Just a little more, baby, please" Liam encouraged but Niall kept his head turned away, refusing to drink any more.

"Here, pass him to me" Zayn said, holding out his arms. Liam passed Niall's small body over easily and he was soon tucked into Zayn's arm while Zayn took the bottle in his free hand. He stared down at Niall who instantly opened his mouth and reluctantly started sucking on the rubber teat again. He was too scared of Zayn to challenge him, Liam was easier to ignore. "Good boy" Zayn murmured " Baba doesn't like to punish his little boy but he will if baby doesn't behave." And Niall knew any defiance on his behalf would be punished.

"Babe, I have to work tonight. Steve is sick so I am covering his shift. Could you bath baby and get him to bed?" Liam asked as he gently tickled Niall's bare feet making Niall pull them away hurriedly. He hated them touching him. It was just so sick.

"Sure Babe, no worries. We'll have a little Baba and baby bonding time, won't we , little Niall" Zayn smiled down at the small man in his arms. Niall cringed. He hated being alone with Zayn. He mentally promised himself he wouldn't resist so he didn't make the man angry but somehow, every time, he couldn't stop himself and Zayn's temper was ignited. "We'll have a nice warm bath and maybe a story before I tuck you in your crib."

"You're the best, Hun" Liam cooed and pecked Zayn on the lips before leaning down and kissing Niall's forehead. "I better go shower and change. Oh, I almost forgot..Serena and Louis have to go visit her parents tomorrow. They can't take Harry as her mom doesn't know about the...ah....situation. Lou asked if we could look after Harry for the day. I told him I didn't think it would be problem?" Liam cocked a questioning eyebrow at Zayn who nodded.

"I'll take the day off. We'll have to be careful as neither of them are in their headspace yet. And Harry is a loose cannon. I don't want baby to be upset by him." Zayn voice held a note of caution. "I know they've begun to regress him but he's resistant."

"Maybe I should have said no" Liam said worriedly "I guess it isn't such a great idea".

"Nah, we'll manage. Baby can stay up in his nursery if necessary. As long as they aren't left alone together, it should be fine" Zayn responded soothingly.
"If you're sure?"

"Li, don't worry about it. We'll cope. You'd better get moving or you'll be late." Zayn put the now empty bottle down and held Niall up to his shoulder, patting his back firmly. Niall finally burped and a small amount of spit up left his lips. He felt so humiliated. He was so upset that he couldn't stop himself and started to buck and wriggle in Zayn's arms ,only to yelp in pain as Zayn tightened his hold, squeezing Niall's petit body against his own well muscled frame. Niall stopped immediately and looked up at Zayn, his blue eyes wide with fear. "Does Baba need to spank his little boy?" Zayn gave Niall a hard smile. Niall shook his head quickly as he bit his lip.

Liam now gone, Zayn spoke calmly to the small man imprisoned in his arms. "It's time for Baba to take his little boy upstairs for a nice bath before bedtime" . Niall turned his head away, not wanting to look into the golden brown eyes that were studying him. Zayn just grinned as he stood up and carried Niall's swaddled body upstairs and into the
nursery. He lay Niall on the changing table and unwrapped the blanket that had pinned Niall's arms and legs so tightly that he could only wriggle when he was swaddled. Niall groaned in both pain and relief as the constricted feeling was ebbing away. He looked about the room looking for an escape route as Zayn rummaged in the drawers underneath, his attention momentally distracted. Niall gave an experimental wiggle but Zayn had kept one of his large hands firmly on Niall's tummy , preventing Niall from moving too much.

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