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Doctor Andrews listened to the voice at the other end of the phone, her forehead creased in concentration before she replied.

"Thank you, I'm very grateful you have made me aware of your concerns although I am sure there is nothing to worry about. Speak to Doctor Clark and also get the blood tests done. That way we'll know for sure." She listened again as the voice spoke then thanked them again before terminating the call. This was a situation that could have repercussions right across the community, especially for her, if anything went wrong a second time. She leant back in her chair and was soon deep in thought.

Patience pulled on her coat and hurried to her car in the staff parking area. It had been a long week and she was glad that she would have a the next few days off. Not only was she tired, she was worried and she desperately needed time to think. Normally she worked in the small Adult wing of the hospital but the flu virus was doing yet another round and the children's clinic had been badly hit and was short staffed so she had been transferred over to help run the 'babies' clinics. She had been raised in the community but never had seen the 'children's' side of the facility and dealing with the 'babies', especially Harry, had had a profound effect on her. Until that moment, she had never questioned the lifestyle, she had never had cause to. But chemical regression? She had heard her parents discuss it's possibilities and uses but thought it was just an idea, not reality, not yet. She shuddered.

Before she realised it, Patience was pulling up in front of the house she shared with her parents. Letting herself into her warm house, she called out a 'I'm home' and headed straight for her bedroom and peace.
Patience turned on the shower then pulled off her scrubs before stepping under the hot water, letting her aching muscles relax. Though she was a strongly build girl, she still found it hard lifting and carrying the adult 'babies'. As she showered ,her thoughts went to the cute lad with the crystal green eyes and curling brown hair. Harry was adorable.How ever had he ended up in this community? She sighed to herself, because however he had arrived, his chances of leaving were very remote. Switching off the water, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself as she walked back to her bedroom and collapsed on the bed, exhausted after her shift at the hospital. She was soon asleep, not even waking when her mother opened the door and smiling gently, covered her with her comforter. Doctor Andrews left the room, quietly closing the door behind her. She had intended to speak with Patience but hadn't the heart to wake her daughter up, she'd looked so pale and tired. They would speak later.

Liam and Zayn woke to the sound of Niall crying fretfully. Niall had woken up cold and wet and was making his displeasure known the only way he could these days, by crying.

"There, there, shhh" Liam comforted Niall as he lifted him out of the crib and carried him to the changing table. He swiftly had Niall stripped of the sleep bag, onsie and used diaper before lifting Niall into his arms to cuddle and sooth him. Niall's cries remained unabated which made Liam frown in concern.

"Babe, I've got a bath read for him" Zayn came and stood next to Liam, holding out his arms to take Niall from him. "Maybe a warm bath will help."

"You're the best" Liam said pecking his older husband on the lips. "I'll get his bottle ready while you bath him." Liam headed towards the bedroom door before stopping and turning. "What time is his appointment at the clinic?"

"11am , babe. We've got plenty of time" Zayn told him. Liam nodded and left and Zayn walked into the adjoining bathroom, Niall cradled in his arms.

"All set?" Zayn asked Liam as he strapped Niall into his carseat.

"Yeah. I just need to fetch the diaper bag and we're good to go" Liam replied then headed into the house to re emerge moments later with the bag and climbing into the passenger seat.

Snowflake, My Pretty Little Snowflake.Where stories live. Discover now