We Are Safe Until Tomorrow

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Niall slept fretfully. Somewhere in his dream filled sleep, he felt scared and alone. Faces that he knew but could not name, floated through his dreams. Crowds of girls screaming at him, bright lights flashing. It all meant something but he couldn't grasp what. His head turned from side to side in agitation as he tried to wake up. He finally screamed in terror!

"Sshhh,baby. Baba has you. You're safe, little man. Ssshhh" Zayn had leapt out of bed at the first screams and raced to pluck the screaming boy from his crib. Zayn cuddled him in closely, patting his diaper covered butt at a steady speed to sooth the crying boy.. Liam had also woken and was staringat his husband and baby, his own face anxious. "There, there.You're ok" Zayn continued to sooth the upset baby.

"Poor baby" Liam climbed out of bed and went to stand by Zayn. "He's not had the night terrors for months, Zee. Do you think it was because of yesterday?"

"Maybe,Li. To be honest I don't know. Or...." Zayn hesitated before continuing "maybe the regression drug is wearing off. Remember the terrors Harry had?"

"Maybe we should go to the clinic tomorrow....." Liam suggested 'just to make sure."

"Yeah,I think we should" Zayn agreed and went to lay Niall back in his crib only to have the small lad start screaming immediately he was set down. "Looks like someone is sleeping with us tonight" Zayn said tiredly and carried Niall to their bed where he was tucked between the two men. Niall's whimpers eventually died away and he fell back asleep. "We'd better get some rest too. Tomorrow will be a long day." Zayn said, as he closed his eyes. "G'night, babe."

Liam woke to an empty bed and hurried down stairs where he found Zayn feeding Niall a bottle. He cooed at the sight of the small blond sucking contented on the nipple while his small hand was reaching up to touch Zayn's cheek. "Morning, babe" he said and Zayn looked upand smiled at him.

"Babe, I've got to do a few things today. I need to check the security systems and see if Louis has any concerns. Could you take Niall tot he clinic yourself?" Zayn asked his younger husband.

"Yeah, I guess so but....." Liam started to reply but Zayn immediately stood up and handed him the baby and pulled on his jacket.

"Thanks, babe. I gotta go. I'll call you" Zayn kissed Liam then Niall before hurrying away, leaving a perplexed Liam staring after him wondering what the rush was and why Zayn had such a strained expression on his face. He frowned. Well, he'd have to wait for answers so he'd better get Niall fed , changed and dressed , ready for the day.

Doctor Clarke was taking the baby clinic that day, there being no sign of Doctor Andrews . He greeted Liam cheerfully enough and, once Nurse Collins had weighed Niall and done the usual task of taking his temperature, the doctor was examining his small patient thoroughly.

"He had bad night terrors last night" Liam confided "We wondered if the regression drug was wearing off?"

"I would say it is definitely a possibility. It is coming up to the time to be renewed. Have you chosen the age group you want for Niall?" Doctor Clarke asked as he felt around Niall's tummy then examined his knees.

"Yes, the same age as he is now. It's perfect for us" Liam said.

"Right, well Niall is doing well. He's a nice weight and he seems well settled. His knees are also much better. I can do it now if you'd like? It will only take a little time as we've improved the method of delivery. If you just leave Niall with us and come back in an hour or so? He'll be all done."

"Thanks, that would be perfect" Liam agreed. "He bent down and kissed Niall who immediately started to whimper as he saw his daddy leaving.The whimpers morphed into distressed crying, the sound following Liam down the hallway. He wanted to go back to his baby but knew that he had to leave him in the capable hands of the medical staff. He decided he'd go to the police station to see if Zayn or Louis were available to talk.. Zayn's abrupt departure this morning was making him anxious and he wanted to know what was going on.

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