Physical Adaptation Clinic

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Liam bent his head over Niall's bare tummy and blew raspberries against his soft skin, making Niall gurgle happily as he waved his small arms and legs about. Liam smiled with pleasure. He adored spending time with his little baby.

"Dadadada" Niall burbled up at the tall , bearded who was gazing down at him with such love in his eyes. Niall felt safe and happy.

"Daddy is going to eat you all up" Liam bent down again and made chomping noises which made Niall giggle even more. "Daddy's going to eat you little leggies" He gently held a wiggling leg and peppered it with kisses, loving the happy sounds his baby was making. Zayn stood in the doorway, watching his handsome husband interact with their son, his own smile nearly as big as Liam's.

"Babe" Zayn finally spoke, making Liam turn as the sound of Zayn's velvet voice. Zayn came and knelt down next to his two favorite people. "Li, I've got you a present, come see." Zayn scooped up Niall and held him in one arm as he held out his hand to Liam, both men getting gracefully to their feet.

"Surprise?" Liam was suspicious. "Is it one I'll like?" He normally loved surprises but all the stress they had endured of late, made him wary of everything.

"Well, it's more for the baby but I know you'll love it. It's in the hall." Zayn led the way, Liam following eagerly behind. Zayn gestured with his hand as he said 'ta da!' and Liam's soft puppy brown eyes widened with pleasure.

"Zee!" he squealed with delight as he took in the adult sized Pram. It was glossy black and elegantly designed. Liam rushed to examine it. "Zee, it's beautiful, perfect!" He looked at his older husband, eyes shining. The entire was softly padded and Liam could immediately envisage having his baby napping in the pram in the warm sunshine, all comfy and secure.

"I'm glad you like it, babe. I thought it would be much more comfortable for Niall than the stroller. More like being in a crib or bassinet. You'll be able to put him in the pram and he can nap outside in the fresh air on nice days. Plus we can take him on walks." Zayn said cheerfully.

"Like it? Babe, I love it!" Liam turned and hugged Zayn, careful no to squash Niall as he did so."I can't wait to try it out"

"Well , that'll have to wait, babe" Zayn said indulgently . "I've made Niall an appointment at the hospital's Physical Adaptation Clinic ." Liam frowned at him, puzzled. "Babe, we discussed this, remember? It's time we made Niall's baby state more physically accurate. It'll be better for him, less hassle."

"Zee, he's still clingy. He'll be scared" Liam responded, his voice anxious. "And it's...well...permanent , yeah?"

"Li, you know it's not going to hurt the baby. And we've delayed long enough. Niall is our baby, it's got to be done. He'll be sedated, hun" Zayn said reasonably and Liam reluctantly nodded.

"Ah, Mr and Mr Malik_Payne" the perky blond woman at the PAC came towards them. "I'm Pamela and I'll be looking after baby Niall today. This must be the cutie" she cooed as she took notice of the small lad cradled in Liam's arms.

"This won't hurt him, will it?" Liam couldn't keep the anxiousness out of his voice. He couldn't bear the thought of Niall having to endure any more pain. His baby had suffered enough.

"Bless you, no, not at all." Pamela said breezily. "Come and have a seat and I'll walk you through what we will be doing" She led the way to a small office and invited the two men to sit."May I offer you refreshment? Coffee? Tea? Water?" Both men asked for coffee and Pamela went and prepared it. Once she had set the steaming mugs on a table in front of them, she took a seat herself and smiled reassuringly at the two men.

"What exactly happens?" Liam asked

"Well, firstly, please be assured that baby will not be hurt at all. This will do nothing but benefit you all. When you are ready, we'll take baby into the treatment room. You will undress baby completely ,then baby will be given enough sedation to keep him relaxed and compliant throughout treatment. Once he is asleep, we'll laser all his body hair with our 'State of the Art' equipment. It takes about an hour but Niall's body hair will be permanently removed . When this is complete, baby is then bathed in a special solution which is rinsed off and then a special lotion is massaged into baby's skin to make sure there will be no irritation. Baby can then be taken home unless you wish to have someone from the clinic circumcise baby?" Pamela raised her eyebrow in query.

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