I Found Something!

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Life at the cabin had settled down into a regular routine. Louis or Zayn took it in turns to drive into the nearest town for groceries and other things they needed. Nobody seemed interested in them, beyond asking the most commonplace of questions... a 'Hi, how are ya'doin?'

"Lou ,I think we need to do more of a thorough check of what's going on."Zayn broached the subject that had been consuming him. " With no good internet connection here, we have to travel out ."

"Yeah, you're right. We can find somewhere to hole up for a few days and I can hack into a few systems. See what's happening with Greg Horan and find out if the Community has been rumbled." Louis agreed. "And Zee, we can't stay here indefinitely. It's been three months we've been isolated here. That doesn't give us that much time before the babies start coming out of their head-spaces unless we can get hold of more of the regression drug."

"I know" Zayn responded "it's been worrying me. They've been so adorable, so good. I'm frightened of things changing. Look, we'll talk it over with Li and Serena then make plans, yeah?"

"How long will you be away, Zee?" Liam asked nervously. "I mean, Iknow you both have to go, but I'm worried about being isolated here.What if there's an emergency?"

"Li, babe, I know but it's the only way. We'll make sure you and Serena have enough provisions, baby medicine and stuff. We'll be as quick as we can. You'll be fine, babe." Zayn said soothingly. "And you have medical training babe. Unless something really terrible happens ,which it won't, you'll cope. You always do."

"I know, I just can't help but worry" Liam admitted. "I know Serena and I will be fine. You'll get back as soon as you can though, won't you?"

"We will , Li. We just want to see what's happening. Then we 'll know where we stand. Soon as we know, we'll be back. You won't have time to miss us." Zayn promised.

"Right...we'll go get stocked up tomorrow, gas up the van and leave the next morning" Louis confirmed. "The sooner we're gone, the sooner we're back."

Niall was fretful the day they left. He had grown very attached to him Baba and it didn't take long for him to realise that the man had disappeared. Harry , too, seemed to be missing Louis, and both babies were tearful. Liam and Serena were ready to tear their hair out when both babies just wouldn't settle and were soon thoroughly overtired and miserable.

"I hate to do this, but it seems like it's our only option" Liam said as he prepared sedation for the two boys. "They won't eat or sleep and they'll only get worse. Maybe they'll be better once they've slept."

"I think you're right. Harry won't nurse at all and he's normally so good." Serena agreed as she unwrapped Harry from his swaddling and held his leg still whilst Liam injected the sedative into his thigh.Harry screamed even louder. Once done, Serena wrapped him up tightly again and rocked him until his sobs subsided into hiccups and small whimpers. "Thank goodness, he's asleep." She tucked him into his crib. "Here, let me help with Niall.". The procedure was repeated but with Liam providing the comforting cuddle as Niall succumbed to sleep.

Louis and Zayn had driven out to the most suitable large town and booked in at a small, nondescript motel on it the outskirts. It was clean but basic, an obvious stopping point for a continual stream of anonymous travellers. The type of place where one face just blended in with another. Louis was now frowning at screen of his laptop, fingers clacking across the keyboard from time to time, his foot tapping as he read various things ,then moved on to look at something else. Zayn watched, his face tense. He knew Louis was a genius when t came to the internet but he also knew how close they had been to possibly being caught. Eventually Louis set his laptop aside andstretched. "I need food and coffee. Let's go". He stood up and picked up his wallet and phone, shoving both into the back pockets of his jeans. "Coming?" he looked at Zayn who nodded and slowly stood, looking around for his own stuff. "Let's go, then." Louis led the way out.

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