Lou, We Need To Talk

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"Peek-a -boo!" Liam cooed as he popped his head round the door,turning Niall's tears to happy gurgles. Liam hid again and Niall immediately started to cry the moment his daddy disappeared from view.

"Peek-a-boo" Liam came into view again and Niall instantly stopped crying and held out his arms to his daddy, desperate to be held. "Oh baby" Liam said ,as he picked up Niall's small body. " When are you going to stop being so clingy?" He sighed as he cuddled the small lad close to his chest. He and Zayn had been doing their best to follow Doctor Andrew's instructions for overcoming Niall's separation anxieties but it didn't seem to be improving the situation for the poor baby.

"Dadadada" Niall babbled as he reached up to touch the scruff covering his daddy's face. Liam caught his small hand and kissed his tiny fingers.
"Does that feel funny baby" Liam asked as a big smile crossed Niall's face. "Do you love your daddy?" Niall gurgled up at the man, a look of adoration on his small face.

"Honey, I'm home!" Zayn called out jokingly as he entered the den, hurrying to cuddle his two boys. "How was your day, babe?" he asked Liam as he took Niall into his own arms and sat down on the couch to cuddle with him.

"Good," Liam responded " but Niall doesn't seem to be getting any better. He cries every time I'm out of his sight. I don't know what to do".

"I know, we've tried everything and he's still getting upset" Zayn agreed. "I don't know what else we can try."

"Babe, I'm taking him back to Doctor Andrews. I just can't take Niall being so upset the whole time. I am getting so stressed" Liam admitted and Zayn had to admit the situation was taking a toll on his younger husband. Liam had always been the more sensitive of the pair of them, and Zayn worried that Liam's own health would start to suffer if he was constantly on edge over their son's health.

"Good idea, babe. She'll know what to do and we'll soon have our Nialler all happy and settled again" Zayn said encouragingly. Liam nodded.

"Ah bless him. All that crying has worn him out. Thanks for bringing the baby swing in, babe. It will save a melt- down when he wakes up." Liam carefully settled Niall into the swing and set it in motion so that the soothing action would keep Niall asleep. He felt exhausted himself after the trauma of the morning and collapsed gratefully onto the couch, Zayn beside him. "So" Liam asked, as he snuggled into Zayn's warm body "How was your day?"

"Pretty good actually. Looks like the charges against Greg Horan are going to stick. Once the trial is over, we should be clear" Zayn said cheerfully.

"Good" Liam responded though he did feel guilty that Greg would likely pay for something he definitely didn't do. He sighed heavily. It was a pity that it looked like it was going to end this way. He pushed the thoughts aside. Niall was all that mattered, he told himself firmly. His baby was safe from falling into a lifestyle that could have ruined him and that, to Liam's mind, was worth everything.

Liam looked at Doctor Andrews anxiously, Niall cuddled into his arms. She had listened carefully to worries and was tapping her pen gently against her notes as she thought.

"Well, it appears you have done everything correctly to try and help baby over his separation anxieties . Normally I would expect some improvement but it sounds like there has been none at all. You could continue trying for a little longer but I doubt you'd get much improvement." She paused as she ran her eyes through Niall's medical notes.

"I am going to prescribe baby some medication that will help relax him. It could be that a short length of treatment will allow baby to feel more secure." She arched a brow at Liam as she spoke .

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