Chapter 1: Departing Atlas

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Alex sat on the edge of his bed as he stared at the rest of his combat gear that hung opposite of him. He had already dressed in most of his gear, a white undershirt with a black tie, a black vest that had several chains that reached into the vest's pocket, where he kept a pocket watch that was gifted to him by Klein. The pants had multiple pockets that were used to contain dust cartridges for his gauntlets.

Ever since the morning, he's been constantly anxious about leaving Atlas to go to Beacon Academy. And because of the anxiety, he was beginning to question if this was the right decision. A quiet knock on the door caused Alex to give it a glance, before looking down at one of his gauntlets.

Alex: "It's open."

Whitley cracked the door open with a smile, but the smile vanished seeing Alex's state.

Whitley: "Alex? What's wrong?"

Alex sighed as he turned his gauntlet over to show the underside of it. Flicking several small switches on the sides caused a panel to open, showing the inner workings of the weapon, as well as several containers that contained amounts of electric dust.

Alex: "Hey... I-"

Whitley: "You better not get cold feet now."

Alex looked over at Whitley, sort of surprised by the tone he spoke in. Whitley marched over to stand in front of Alex with a stern look while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Whitley: "Growing up, all you ever wanted was to become a Huntsman. I remember how many times you practically begged Winter to give you lessons. And I remember how you'd use to sneak to the training grounds in the middle of the night so you could secretly train. And now, you're finally getting the chance to chase your dream, only to start having second guesses?!"

Alex slowly blinked a few times as he listened to Whitley, before snorting in amusement. He closed up his gauntlet and shrunk it back down to its bracer form, clasping it on his wrist.

Alex: "Gotta say, when you lay it out like that, it does make me sound pretty stupid."

Whitley: "Indeed."

Alex: "Thank you, Whitley. I might actually miss you."

Whitley laughed and swatted Alex on the shoulder.

Whitley: "Well, I for one, won't miss you!"

Alex: "Oh really?"

Whitley's eyes widened in worry when Alex suddenly jumped to his feet. Grabbing the young Schnee, Alex put him in a headlock and began to ruffle his hair, while Whitley yelled and laughed as he struggled to free himself.

Whitley: "U-Unhand me this instant!"

Alex: "Not until you apologize, Master Whitley."

Whitley: "O-Okay! Okay! You got me! I'm sorry, brother! Now, please let me go."

Alex smiled and released his grip, letting Whitley collapse in a heap on his bed. But then Alex's smile faltered slightly upon realizing exactly what Whitley said.

Alex: "Whitley... did you...?"

Whitley finally started to calm down from laughing, standing up and fixing his messed up hair.

Whitley: "I mean, you might as well be. Alex, you've looked out for me since the day I was born. It doesn't matter that you work for us, you'll always be my brother."

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