Meet Jacqueline Silvers

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Another day closer to finally moving out. Those were Jacqueline's thoughts as she laid on her bed with a bored expression. The week leading up to the beginning of the semester was moving too slow for her likings, as she tilted her head to the side to look at the Beacon acceptance letter that was still sitting on her desk.

Evelyn: "Jackie, dear? Could you come down stairs for a moment?"

Jackie: "Coming nana."

With a groan, she pushed herself up out of bed and walked to the bedroom door, pausing for a moment when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her long hair was sticking out in so many directions, and she was still wearing her pyjamas.

Jackie: "Meh."

Opening the door, she went down the hallway before descending the flight of stairs to the ground floor. Her grandmother's house might not have been as extravagant as the other houses of Upper Vale, but it was more than enough in Jackie's opinion.

She ran down the stairs and zipped around the banister, nearly colliding into her grandmother who was waiting at the bottom. Evelyn Silvers was a shorter woman in her late 60s, standing at about 5ft 3in. While her blue eyes have dimmed in her age, her eyesight was still sharp enough to not need glasses. Those pale eyes seemed to turn into saucers at the sight of her granddaughter.

Evelyn: "Great Gazooks! What did you do to your hair?!"

Jackie: "Nothing, nana. Which is why it looks like that. What did you need?"

Instead of answering, Evelyn began to click her tongue as she did whenever she became annoyed. Taking Jackie's hand, she led the way to the living room, leading her to the couch.

Evelyn: "Sit there. I'll wring in this monster while you listen."

Jackie: "Nanaaa. You don't-"

Evelyn: "Oh, the bloody hell I do! Look at this! Had I had company over, you'd be the laughing stock."

Jackie: "I wouldn't care..."

Evelyn: "Well, I would. I don't want to hear anymore about it. Now, I wanted to talk to you for a moment."

Jackie huffed, blowing a strand of hair that was hanging in front of her mouth, while her nana began to brush out the tangled mess of hair.

Evelyn: "Jacqueline Silvers, I know you haven't enjoyed living here these past few years."

Jackie: "Slight understatement..."

Evelyn's mouth tightened and flicked Jackie's ear, causing the girl to yelp in surprise.

Evelyn: "Don't interrupt. What I'm trying to say, dear girl, is you'll always have a home here, whether you want it or not. Even after you move away to go to school. And, I'm very proud of you. And your mother would be too."

Jackie closed her eyes and gave a small nod, while trying to keep herself from losing her composure.

Jackie: "Nana, I will always love you. It's not the house and it's not you, it's the society that I dislike. Everyone's so stuck up, acting like they are so high and mighty compared to everyone else."

Evelyn hummed as she set the brush down, running her fingers through the mass of brushed hair to make sure there weren't any knots.

Jackie: "Did mom ever go to a combat school?"

Evelyn moved to sit beside Jackie, the two looking over at the mantle where a small shrine to Jackie's mother was. There were two baby pictures, a picture of Jackie's mom in her preschool years, and a picture when she was pregnant.

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