Chapter Seven ~ Confessions

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"But you are going to get a title shot when you come back, right?" April asks me as we at sitting at an empty table together.

"That's what Stephanie said to me." I respond.

"Okay, good." She says.

I sigh and look around.

"Is something wrong?" April asks me, catching my attention once again.


"Something's wrong." She says.

"It's nothing." I tell her.

"Kathryn." She says, sternly. "Tell me now."

Once again, I sigh. What should I say? That nothing is wrong?

I can't keep it to her forever. She'll find out one day, so it's better if I told her everything.

"It's about Jon." I say.

"You never did tell me why you guys split it apart. Whenever I asked you about it, you would always push it away from me."

"Well, please, don't say anything until I am done telling you everything."

"I promise I won't."
April is in tears because of everything I said.

I told her everything. From when Jon cheated on me with Nikki, which April already knew about, to the point where he was the one who hit me. I told her he was the one who raped me, and who left me to die.

"April, don't cry. Please don't cry." I plead. I scoot my chair over next to her and wrap an arm around her . . .

Which she immediately throws off.

"Why didn't you tell me?! All this time, you said someone beat you and raped you while Jon was out doing something! But he was the one who did it to you! He almost ended your life, Kathryn!" She yells at me.

"April, I-"

"No! I don't want to hear it! I thought I was like a sister to you! Sisters tell everything to each other! You kept this huge secret from me!" She says.

A single tear falls out of my eye.

She's right. How could I keep such a big secret like this away from her? I kept such a huge thing away from her, which was hard to do. Now I finally told her, and here we are.

"I'm sorry, April." I say quietly, looking down at the table.

She gets up from her chair, and begins storming off.

"April? Where are you going?" I ask, following her.

"Don't follow me," She growls. "I'm going to find this son of a bitch who almost killed you."

I stand there, shocked at her words, and then I sit back down in the chair.

What's the point of following her? I'm not going to be able to stop her. I mean, it's April.

I put my head in my hands and whisper to my self, "You screwed up, Kathryn. You screwed up."

My phone vibrates, meaning I got a text message.

I grab my phone off of the table and I read a message from April.

I should report to the cops of your ex-boyfriend's little scandal. ~April.

I get up out of my chair and run to the direction where April took off.

Passing by many other workers, I stop them and ask where April went, all of them telling me different directions.

"Come on." I say to myself as I push past people.

I finally find them. April, Jon, and even Renee. She's shielding Jon from April.

"You really think you're going to hide Jon from me, Renee?" April asks.
I see Renee nod slowly.


April pushes Renee away, almost causing her to fall. "Hey!" Renee screeches. April ignores her and faces Jon. "How dare you." She says in a low voice, which gets louder. "How dare you! What were you thinking when you did that to Kathryn?! Did you even think you were going to get away with this? You're not getting away with this, Jon!" She yells at him.

He looks at her in shock. Well of course, she never yelled at him before, but she has warned him that if he ever hurt me, he'd die. It's harsh, but that's April. She's a harsh person, but she's my best friend.

April pushes Jon, and he stumbles a bit.

I quickly walk over there and stand next to April, putting my hand on her arm which causes her to jump.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"You need to calm down, April. You're gonna get in trouble." I tell her.

"So? Jon will be going to jail anyways, right after I call the police." She says, pulling out her phone, getting ready to dial the police's number. I quickly take her phone away, and shove it in my back pocket. "Hey! Give it back!" She yells!

"April, please, don't call the police. We have it . . . handled. It's okay now." I say.

"Oh, yeah? How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Just trust me."

She hesitates for a moment, unable to speak. She looks down at the ground and shoves her hands in her pockets. She sighs. "Fine. But if he hurts you again, he won't be around for a while." She says, staring right at Jon as if she was warning him. He puts his hands up in defense.

April holds her hand out, and I dig in my back pocket for her phone. I place the phone in her hand, and she walks away.

"You better keep that animal locked in a cage. She doesn't need to interrupt Jon and I's kissing." Renee says, placing a hand on her hip. My eyes slowly travel to her, and I glare. My heart is beating fast and all I want to do is attack her.

And so I go at her, but Jon grabs me by the waist, stopping me from trying anything. I try to fight back, but Jon is too strong. Renee screams and runs down the hallway, leaving Jon and I alone together. I eventually settle down and sigh.

"What was that about?" Jon asks me, slowly taking his hands off of my waist.

"Nothing." I say, looking down at the floor.

I feel Jon's hands snake their way around my waist and he backs me up against the wall. He lifts my head up so I am forced to look in his eyes. He is wearing a seductive smirk, and his eyes are filled with lust. I immediately push him away from me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Jon?!"

"I-" But before he could answer, I run away.
Back at the hotel, April and I are watching a movie. We sit on the couch, with a blanket big enough to cover the both of us.

"April, I'm sorry for not telling you." I say to April.

She shrugs. "It's okay, I guess. Just don't hide anything like that from me again."

"I promise." I say, holding up my pinkie.

April's pinkie hooks with mine, and we both squeeze.

"Good." She says.

Our pinkies unhook and we get back to watching our movie together.
So, here's another chapter! It's late, yeah, but at least it's here :)

This chapter is dedicated to an amazing friend, CarolineSchroeder (my phone doesn't let me dedicate to people) She is like THE BEST!!! ❤️ Check out her stories! They are amazing :o

And I changed the cover of the story, once again, because I didn't like the last one at all :(


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