Chapter Seventeen ~ Hide In The Closet

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"Jon, that was terrible! You pushed that poor guy!" I yell.

Jon had met me back at the hotel, and I was furious as to why he would push someone for something so little.

"He kept staring at you and I didn't like it!" Jon yells back.

"He probably knew who I was! We are on television, you know."

"It still makes me mad."

"You didn't have to push him! That was completely unbelievable." I say, shaking my head. "I feel so bad for the poor guy."

"I'm sorry, Kathryn." Jon says. I make eye contact with him.

"And what if we did get back together, Jon? Would you do that to me? Would you push me around again?" I ask him.

Jon shoves his hands in his pockets and he looks down at the floor. "I said I was sorry." He says quietly, almost too quiet to hear.

"So that's a yes." I say, staring directly at him. Jon looks back up to me. I close my eyes. I hear his footsteps come closer and closer.

His arms wrap around me and pull me close. I feel his hand gently stroke my long, jet black hair.

"Kathryn," Jon spoke. "I will never, ever hurt you again. What I did to you was the biggest mistake of my life. You were all I had after my sister died and I just treated you like trash. I should have never treated you like that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything." He says. Hearing him say this words make me think of how much of a softie he is. On television, he's the crazy, lunatic that people love and fear. But he's just a softie outside of the WWE. And I love that about him.

I really do.

"I can't stop thinking about you, Kathryn. Its too hard. I love you so much. Just please give me another chance." He says, holding onto me tighter than he had before.

We stand there for about a minute. No words spoken. He just holds me in his arms.

And then I slowly wrap my arms around him.

"Just give me time to think." I said. "Okay?"

"Okay. Take all the time you need." I hear him say. I smile to myself.

Maybe I should give Jon another chance. All he's been trying to do is prove to me that he's a better person. Yeah, he's made a lot of mistakes in the past, but so have I. I've made mistakes. Jon has made mistakes. April has made mistakes. Everyone has. All Jon wants is a fresh, new start, and I think he deserves it.

Jon suddenly pulls away, bringing me back into reality, and he walks over to the bed. He lays down, and pats the empty spot next to him. I raise an eyebrow.

"No, not that." He says with a smile. "Take a nap with me."

I smile back at him and plop myself on the bed. I snuggle into the warmth of his strong body and close my eyes.

I feel his soft lips touch my forehead before his raspy voice is heard, "Thank you."

Thank you for what?


We were now in Maryland. Raw is tomorrow night.

I'm laying in my bed, while April is laying in hers. I can hear very light snores coming from her bed, and I know she's sleeping.

Suddenly, I get a call on my phone from my sister, Alexis. Why would she be calling me at 11 PM?

I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Aunt Kathryn?" My young niece, Amelia, says in her sweet, high-pitched voice.

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