Movie Marathon

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Minjae's POV

I was laying on my comfty bed...planning to sleep the entire day because I was just TOO tired...who wouldnt be? when you you do 5 comeback concerts in a week who wouldnt be tired?

Just when I was about to fall asleep SOMEPEOPLE barged into my room yelling...





and many more....GRRRR!! and here I was trying to get some sleep...

Anger rushed through my system..I slowly got up making them all look at me and I smiled.

I gestured for them to come closer and when they did I smirked and yelled right at their ears.


They moved back while covering their ears. hmp! serves you right!

"Ouch Jae!" Chanyeol said.

"That's what you get for disturbing my sleep! out! let me sleep in peace!" I said and threw a pillow at them.

Then they raced towards the door not wanting to face more of my wrath. good. I picked up my pillow and layed back on my bed.

After 15 minutes I still cant seem to sleep...I tossed and turned but it's not working, UGH! just great!

I realized that there was no way I was gonna sleep any minute now so I got up and tied my hair into a bun. I changed my clothes too I wore my white shirt and shorts then since Im not wearing my contacts I wore my glasses instead. Yes I wear glasses, problem?

I took my phone and went out of my room to see the guys in the living room and that Luhan was placing a CD in the marathon?

Suho saw me and waved.

"Hey Minjae! care to join us?" He asked and I said sure.

I sat between Sehun and Kai because it was the only spot available.

"So what are we watching?" I asked.

"The Sound of Music." Kai answerred, guys watch that movie?

"Seriously?" I asked and they nod.

"Why you dont like it?" Baekhyun asked me.

"No. I actually love that's my favorite." I answered.

"Oh? really?" Tao asked me and I nod.

"Shhh! guys it's starting!" Chanyeol scolded and the movie started.

I was so happy throughout the whole movie and I sang to all the songs, when the movie ended they teased me for knowing all te songs and then played the next movie...It was "Miracle in Cell no.7"

It was so touching and sad at the same time...I cried along with the guys except for Sehun...I think he saw this movie before? whatever.

After that the guys suggested a horror movie...I was about to leave but Sehun started to tease me about being a scaredy-cat so I wanted to prove him wrong.

The movie was on it's climax I was trying really hard to hold my scream and my tears.

Where as Tao on the other hand was crying his eyes out and was screaming like crazy.

I averted my gaze from the screen for a while but when I looked back at the screen as if on cue the monster suddenly appeared and I was scared shitless.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! UMMAAAAA! HUHUHUHU!!!!" Was what came out of my mouth.

I was crying like crazy and my haert was beating super fast...I turned pale and cold and I was hugging my knees.

Then I felt someone rubbing my back...huh?

"Are you okay Minjae?" Kai asked...

"N-ne..I-m O-k-ay." I said while sniffing.

"Yah! you shouldnt of pushed yourself!" Sehun scolded.

"Yeah Minjae." The rest of the band said.

"Come on you should sleep." Sehun said while grabbing my wrist while taking me to my room.

I reached my bed and coverred myself...then I noticed that my closet was open...WHAT IF THERES A MONSTER THERE?!

Sehun was almost at the door when I said.

"Sehun." he turned to me and asked what.

I pointed the closet and he looked at me in confusion.

"Close it, what if theres a monster there? I dont want to be eaten!" I explained.

He looked at me in disbelief and started laughing like crazy...what?! huhuhu!!! Im serious!

"Yah!" I said.

He finally controlled his laughter and said arraseo.

He closed my closet and he said goodnight before leaving my room.

After he left my tiredness started to hit me and I started to doze of into dreamland.


Yehet! an update!!! K bye! love you all my dear readers!😘✌️


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