We'll Miss Her...I'll Miss Her

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Three hours after Minjae left the guys started going out of their rooms.

They all gathered in the living room and Sehun said.

"Where's Minjae? still sleeping?" He asked his hyungs.

They looked at him im shock.

"You didnt know?" Baekhyun asked him.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

"Didnt know what?" He said.

"Minjae left for Japan, she wont be back in five months since she's promoting there." Kai explained.

Sehun's eyes widened.

"She-she never told me." He said.

The guys looked at the table and noticed a letter.

"Oh! it must be from Minjae!" Tao said and got the letter.

"*ehem*" he coughed and started reading the letter.

'Hey guys! It's Jae!

So since I'll be gone for five months I want you to do your best okay? I'll miss you guys so much! I dont think I could call you guys in five months since I'll be very busy and so will you so yeah, Fighting!

Haha! And a few reminders.

Suho and Kris look after the members, Beagle line stop fooling around all the time! Lay stay gentle, Tao please stop asking people to shower with you! Luhan stop it with the hello kitties and just give them to me! Xiumin you dont have to change anything about yourself, D.O dont bully the others, Kai stop trying to kill people by being so hot, and lastly Oh Sehun stop being so cold! hahaha! anyways I'll miss you guys!'

After reading the letter the members started to tear up.

"Man I'll miss her." Kai said while leaning back on the sofa.

"We'll miss her" Suho corrected.

Sehun went inside his room and sat on his bed.

"I rejected her yesterday..." He mumbled.

"She wrote something so cheerful for me...but I know she was hurting when she wrote it.....Im so stupid." He said and ruffled his hair then laid on his bed, thinking about how stupid he was.

"I'll miss her." He said.

and fell asleep.



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