First meeting? okay?...

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Min Jae's POV

~Naega omneunde na neoli gadeukhae michil geot gata~

I was woken up by my phone playing 'Danger' by the boys from the 'oh-so-hot' boy group BTS. (My Bias is V)

Then I remembered something that my father told me yesterday.

'MinJae tomorrow go to my office at 9:00 am, your going to be meeting EXO.'

*sigh* that's what he said. oh well.

I lazily got up from my bed and took a quick shower.

I dressed up and grabbed my car keys.

I didnt eat breakfast since I'm not hungry.

"Bye mom!" I bid farewell to my mom who was in her office.

"Bye sweetie!" I heard her reply.

[fast forward]

I arrived at the building and parked my car.

Once I enterred I saw the front desk lady from the other day. I went to her and smiled.

"Hello Miss Minjae, here to see your father?" She asked.

"Yes, actually." I said still smiling.

"Okay, he's upstairs." She told me.

"Thank you." I smiled at her for the last time and went to my father's office.

While I was on my way I bumped into someone, "Hey! watch where youre going!" He said. I looked up and realized that it was...Oh Sehun.

"I'm not the only one that should watch where they're going." I said.

"Do you know who youre talking to?" He asked.

"Of course, youre Oh Sehun of EXO." I answerred and left.

"Aish!" I heard him say, I just mentally high-fived myself and went to the elevator.

[Mr. Kim's Office]

I finally reached my father's office and once I openned the door I was greeted by 12 pairs of eyes...EXO.

"Min Jae! youre here!" my father exclaimed.

"Please take a seat." he said and I took a seat beside him.

"Okay, boys let's get straight to the point..." he started.

"Minjae here will be your newest member." he said.

"WHAAATTT?!" they all shouted.

"Yes, she's gonna appear in your next album and she will only be a trainee for a month and... you will be her trainers, about your schedule this month I cancelled them so that you can train Minjae and have a rest."
He explained.

They all looked so surprised, I'm not, father already explained me everything yesterday.

"It would be an honor Mr. Kim." Suho said.

"Good. well I should leave I still have a meeting, you stay and get along okay?"

Father said then left.

Once he left the room the boys went near me and bombarded me with questions.

"Are you a fan of EXO?"

"Who's your bias?"

"How old are you?"

They asked. who knew that these hot guys could be so annoying?

"SHUT UP!" Suho yelled which made the boys shut up. finally!

"Okay good, now what's your name again?" He asked me.

"Yeah!" the boys exclaimed.

"The name's Kim Min Jae. 18 years old, turning 19 this april 13." I introduced myself.

"Woah~ youre a day younger than Sehun! Guys! Minjae owns the maknae kingdom now!" Baekhyun said.

"Really? poor Sehun, haha! but, may I ask? what is your connection with Mr. Kim?" Chanyeol asked.

"Uhhh...he's actually my father." I said.



How was it guys? thank you for reading! bye! saranghae!<3


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