Chapter 19

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Alex's POV

Saturday 3:15 PM

I'm not in the mood for this shit but it must be done.

I'm sitting in my living room with Dane and Omar waiting on Tricia to arrive. We haven't spoken one word to each other, and the tension is very thick.

They have been hunting me down since Nya's accident, but I needed to ensure that my girl was ok before I focused on anything else.

Tricia drives up to the gate, I let her in, she parks and walks into the house joining us in the living room.

"Ok, so what's happening now?" She asks.

I do not say anything because honestly, I'm not in the mood for this and I know it's going to be too much talking for me.

"Mi cyaan fucking believe seh yuh a fuck Ethan's sister!" Dane says angrily.

"Yow calm down Bredda." Omar says to Dane.

"Wah yuh mean? How mi must calm down? Nerd broke the bloodclaat code! Wi no sleep wid family! Ethan is family!" He shouts at Omar.

"Technically yes she's family because she's Ethan's sister but him fucking her doesn't concern me. What does, is how we're going to move forward because we made a promise to each other to bury certain skeletons and leave them buried for life." Omar says.

"We gave up everything for a fresh start here in Kingston, it wasn't easy but it's a decision we made together because it was the best decision for all of us." Tricia finally speaks.

"Yow, at first I thought that you needed to tell her who you are but now, I don't think that's a good idea. She knowing who we all are will only lead to more questions and we promised to take some things to our graves. Use this opportunity to end things with her." Dane instructs and I hold his stare.

"No." I calmly say.

"What do you mean Alex? you don't have a choice, all of us are affected here even your mom and Stepdad." Tricia says as she walks over to me.

"I will not leave Shanya, as long as she wants me, I am hers. If she decides to leave me then I'll accept her decision but I'm never leaving Shanya." I tell her in a calm voice.

Too much chatting no good enuh but mi a try hold it.

"Bloodclaat Alex yuh ago mek a gyal mess up everything?" Dane shouts at me and I bolt up from the sofa.

Omar finds his way between us with his hands outstretched keeping us apart.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that!" I shout at Dane.

"Calm down Alexander." Tricia tells me.

"Don't tell me to calm down, I've never asked for anything, Nothing! Never! Everything that I did was for you guys! I never needed the money, but family comes first. I had to leave Jamaica because you fucked up Tricia, Ethan was your man, yet you faltered and not once did I blame you! I went overseas and still helped you guys out with the transition to Kingston! I never complained! I failed Shanya before because I wasn't in Jamaica, she almost died and dat nah bloodclaat happen again!" I say and walk back to the sofa.

"Nerd, think logically, you've just started dating her so it's easier to cut the link." Omar says and I do not answer because I'm done talking.

"Yow, this has to do with all of us and as usual let's vote." Dane says and I lose it, I am on my feet again.

"Unu deaf seh mi love her? Mi nah put nobody in front of her and mi ago always choose her. Mi nah let her go unless she wants me to! No voting nah gwaan yah so today because mi mek up mi mind already!" I shout at them.

"So yuh ago put woman over yuh family?" Dane asks.

"If a so d man seet den yah." I say looking in his eyes.

"Alexander, listen to what you're saying, you can't do that!" Tricia yells and starts crying, Omar moves to comfort her by hugging her.

"Look what you caused." Dane says and I take a deep breath.

"Listen, I will not leave Nya and it's unfair for you guys to ask me to. Find another solution but Nya stays with me."

"This is what you really want?" Omar asks me.

"Yes, I don't see my life without her and as my friends you have to understand that." I tell him.

Dane takes a deep breath and says "Alright mek wi maths it out then."


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From Then Till Now: A Jamaican Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now