Chapter 2

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Shanya's POV

Friday 3:30

I swear, there needs to be a highway that cuts out St. Ann on the route from Montego Bay to Kingston.

The parish too damn big and takes up most of the drive time.

As I approach the Cool Oasis gas station, I put on my indicator signalling that I am turning right, I need to pee, and I need a pack of gum.

I get out of the car and stretch my legs, I lock the door and put the key in my pocket.

I smile to myself because I'm driving. I make my way into the bathroom to relieve my bladder.

I just got this car; it is not new, but I love it. It's a 2019 Honda Fit, brand new second hand they say.

My mother saved up her money and bought it for me. She worries about me taking public transportation with the increase in rape and abductions.

Lord, she's overprotective but I love her, she's all I have. I am about to start my second year of university and my mother has managed to pay my school fee and buy me a car on a house keeper's salary.

I don't know how she does it but every time I question her, she says "God keeps providing Shanny."

I know she throws her partners and her boss assists with grants and so on. I am never in need of anything especially when it has to do with school. She's my super woman.

As I make my way from the bathroom and into the convenience store, my phone rings. I remove the phone from my pocket, my best friend Leah is calling.

Me: Yes Ma'am?

Leah: Girl weh u deh?

Me: I stopped at the Cool Oasis to pee and get gum.

Leah: Hurry up man, mi lonely enuh. She laughs.

Leah and I have rented a place in Mona this year, I used to live on campus, but Leah needs company. Leah's father dropped her in Kingston two days ago, but I didn't want to come up that early.

Me: Yuh know is fraid yuh fraid though, mi soon come man.

Leah: Alright Bestie, drive carefully inna wi new car, raeee.

I laugh and end the call. I pay for the gum and head back to the car, getting in I automatically lock the doors, deciding to quickly check my messages before driving off.

I end up on Instagram and start watching videos, I am a sucker for Instagram. About five minutes later, a message pops up on the screen and my heart stops.

Unknown: Leave NOW

I am frozen in place as I haven't received a message of this nature in almost six months. How is it possible for someone to be sending me text messages without a number?

I have reported it to the police, but they haven't done anything. No surprises there, the Jamaican police only cares about the rich, so my case isn't even taken seriously.

Unknown: Shanya, start the car and leave NOW!

A second message jolts me from my thoughts, I start the engine and carefully reverse out of the parking space making my way to the toll road that leads to Kingston.

Me: Siri call Mummy

Siri: Calling Mummy

Mummy: Hey Baby, weh yuh reach?

Me: I just entered the toll Mummy. I say in a sad voice.

Mummy: Is what happen to you Shanny?

From Then Till Now: A Jamaican Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now