Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

After Trinity left, I went into my office to rewrite the programme for the government. I don't want to, but I must, so might as well just get it over with. I end up doing it over, changing several aspects of it to make it better and satisfying all parties involved.

Two hours into redoing the programme my phone rings. Hissing my teeth, I look on the screen, my friend and business partner Omar Spencer is calling.

"Yow Bredda!" I say answering the phone.

"Yow Bro, what time yuh pulling up later?" He asks.

Fuck I totally forgot that tonight is the grand opening of his club.

"Dawg mi have some work a deal wid mi nah go mek it."

"Yow Alex a fuckry ting yuh a keep up enuh. How yuh mustn't come to the opening of your own club?" He says clearly getting upset.

I don't see it as owning the club. He came to me with the business proposal, and I provided majority of the funds. I told him that I wanted no part in running it and that the management and everything is on him. I am a silent investor for God's sake.

"Yow hot head, relax man." I say laughing.

"Bredda no tell mi fi relax. If you can't come as a partner, then come as a bredrin then." He says.

Bloodclaat man look pon the card wah d man ago pull pon mi.

"Yuh a Pussy enuh" I say hissing my teeth.

He laughs and says, "roll in around 11 and stop being a damn Nerd." He says and hangs up the phone.

I sit there for a few seconds processing what he said. In another life I was known as "Nerd". A nickname given to me by my best friend back in high school. I shake off the memory, I can't let it take me over, it will fuck up my meds.

I get back to the programme and submerge myself into my happy place. Even though this is child's play it relaxes me and my mind soars as I manipulate the systems getting them to do what I want.

Shanya's POV

I'm in my bedroom listening to music and dancing. I love to dance, I always have. There's just something about getting my body to move in sync with music.

My brother would always say "Nya yuh cyaan stop jiggle up you mawga self?" I smile at the memory.

My phone rings and I look at the screen to see Jamie calling me. Jamie is the new Guild president at UWI and popular footballer. We used to mess around but not anymore.

Me: "Hey you." I answer.

Jamie: "Shan, yuh really deh Kingston and no call me?" He complains and I roll my eyes. Happy he can't see me.

Me: "You miserable enuh, I've been busy hon."

Jamie: "I want to see you, I miss you." He whines.

I found myself drawn to Jamie last semester after I saw him at a football match that his Hall played against mine. He's tall, dark and handsome, his bowlegs drew me in.

I did my research on him and found out that he was Hall Chair for Taylor Hall even though he was just a second-year student. All the girls wanted him, and I didn't like that at all.

The following weekend I saw him at a fete held at the Student's Union. He looked so good, standing with his friends, drinking, and dancing. He had on white skinny jeans with a blue shirt with buttons at the front paired with a black Clarks. I stood and watched him while talking with my friends.

The DJ started playing Konshens and Darrio's "Sidung" which is one of my favourite songs. My hips started moving and I don't know what got into me, but I made my way over to the sexy Baller.

He saw me coming, stopped talking and just stared at me. I was dressed in a batty rider shorts, a cropped top and Bridget Sandals. I felt sexy and by the looks of it, he thought so too.

I stopped in front of him and turned around backing my ass up on him. I started moving my waist and he didn't miss a beat he matched my moves, all eyes were on us.

The DJ pulled up the song and I used the opportunity to show off my dancing skills. He kept up with me, I could feel him getting hard and that only edged me on more. I then stopped, turned facing him, smiled, and backed away making my way back to my friends.

Jamie: "Shan, yuh still there?" His voice pulls me from the memory, and I speak

Me: "Yes, Jamie."

Jamie: "Come clubbing with me, Club Lex is opening tonight, and I got some tickets since I'm the Guild President." He says bragging.

Me: "How many tickets do you have? I'll go only if Leah can come." I say because I really didn't want to go out with Jamie alone tonight.

Jamie: "That good man, I have enough. Send me your new address, I'll come pick you up."

Me: "Remember Mummy bought me a car, so we'll meet you there."

Jamie: "Shan yuh can mek mi feel bad sah, I'm happy that you have a car but I'm just trying to be your man and take care of you."

Me: "Ok Jamie, I'll send you the address."

I end the call with Jamie and fall back on my bed, thinking I should've just said no. Jamie is a nice guy but he's too clingy. He's one of the reasons I moved off campus because he wouldn't give me a break.

He was there when my classes at CARIMAC finished, and he would be on my Hall all the time. The security didn't kick him off the Hall at midnight as is mandated, they looked pass it because he's the 'Big Baller'.

I needed to breathe but he wouldn't give me a break. After that first night when I danced with him in the party, he had his friends find me and from then he made it clear to everyone that I was his girl. I liked the respect that came with being his girlfriend, but he was just too clingy.

Mi too rass nuff a dat wid mi, shoulda see him and lef him alone!

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