Chapter 6

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Bumblebee's POV

I was looking at pictures of the Titans when the crime alarm went off. When I got to the Commons, my team was already there and ready. "Who is it?" I ask Aqualad.

"Control Freak. Didn't we defeat him last time we did this?"

"Yeah, we did. Guess we got to do it again. C'mon." We all went our own ways, and arrived at the video store.

"I will show you an action movie!" Control Freak was telling the poor, frightened girl behind the counter. He pressed a button on his control which made the cash register come to life.

"Stop, before I make you stop!" I yelled.

Control Freak looked over at us, "Ugh, not you again. Where are the real Titans?"

"Vacation. And we are real Titans." Aqualad said.

"Yeah, we proved that last time." Speedy said.

"Well, time for fun." I said and we all advanced.

Cyborg's POV

Who knew Raven was a princess? Who knew her name was Rachel? Who knew she liked Intola Hesphew? Whatever that was.

I had just walked out when I bumped into Beast Boy. "Whoa, sorry, grass stain."

"It's fine. I was just going down. What about you?"

"Same. There's nothing to do up here."


We started to descend the huge staircase when Raven appeared, laughing. With a boy. And her mother was right beside them smiling. Beast Boy stiffened beside me and almost turned to walk away. I grabbed his arm, "Beast Boy, you gotta trust Raven. These are her friends. But she's dating you. She won't hurt you."

Beast Boy stared at me silently then glanced at Raven, and he nodded slowly. And walked down the stairs with me.

We met Raven, Arella, and the mystery guy at the end of the stairs. Raven smiled at us and then said, "Hey guys, this is an old friend of mine, Jeremiah. Jeremiah, this is Beast Boy and Cyborg."

"Hello, I was just telling Rachel how much her best friend is such a pain sometimes. Some girls are so complicated." Jeremiah said snickering.

"That's Katherine you're talking about. And you can't say a thing because you two have been dating since you were ten." Raven said.

I gave Beast Boy the I-told-you-so look. He gave me a sheepish smile. Then turned his attention to Raven, Jeremiah, and Arella.

"Yeah, I do love her. What time is it?"

"A little after six." Arella answered.

"I gotta go get her. Ever since I called her to tell her you were here, she rushed back from dimension E. See ya later, Rach. And Rachel's friends." And with that Jeremiah rushed off.

"So do you two want a tour? Or something?" Raven asked us.

Beast Boy nodded and I shook my head, "Nah, I'll go to the kitchen."

"Uh, do you know how to get there?"

"Not to worry, Rachel, I'll take him. Go have fun."

Raven nodded and took Beast Boy's hand into her's. I saw Arella's eyes go wide and then she composed herself and nodded her head to me. I walked away as Raven and Beast Boy went the other way, hand-in-hand.

"Are those two in a relationship?" Arella asked me. Her tone was a little disapproving?

"Uh, it's not my place to tell ya. Ask Raven."

Arella nodded and then left me at the door of the kitchen.

As she walked away, I heard her mumble words that were not meant for my ears, "I'll have to work hard to break them up."

Raven's POV

I grabbed Beast Boy's hand to show my mother that I didn't need an arranged marriage. I knew that was what she was thinking of. I walked towards the back of the house with Beast Boy in tow.

"Where are me going?" Beast Boy asked.

I had felt jealousy radiate off him twice today. When it was Jonah and he didn't know he was my brother, and when it was Jeremiah. There was still some lingering jealousy. I ignored it and said, "To my favorite place in the garden. I wanna share it with you."

I looked back at him in time to see him smile his cocky smile.

I opened the door and we stepped outside. He looked around and his face showed complete astonishment. I laughed and dragged him forward. We passed several rose bushes, all of different colors; a pale pink, a dark red, a pure white, and a creamy orange. Then we passed the rows of lavender that smelled so pleasant. Finally the tall hedges started to show. It was a maze and the end was always difficult to find. Only I knew how to get to it. "This is a secret, Beast Boy. No one but me knows how to get to the end. And now you'll know how to too."

"Okay. Let's go."

I smiled and started to go through the maze. Going left and right. I saw the familiar pieces of dried lemon balm which I had left here so many years back. I followed them all the way to the end. And there was a stone bench. And if you looked outside of it, there would be the ocean and at sunset it was the most beautiful sight. I sat down and swung my legs to the other side so I would be facing it.

Beast Boy jumped over it and then sat beside me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him.

"I've seen way more beautiful before." He replied.

I gave him an unconvinced look, "Really? Like what?"


I blushed but looked into his mesmerizing emerald eyes. Then I couldn't hold it in anymore, I leaned over and kissed him. He accepted it and deepened it. I put my hand on his arm, clinging onto it as he ran his hand through my hair.

This was perfect. I loved this about him. He was so gentle and caring.

I'm in love with him...

Then a voice in my head. It was so demonic I couldn't believe it was in me. But it said; Are you?

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