Chapter 7

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Kyd Wykyyd's POV

What to do? What to do? I'm so bored and we just found out that the Titans were out for a few days.

Maybe I can go and sneak into Raven's room. And then just admire her organization. And being there always perked me up. And the smell of lavender and chamomile tea always greeted me whenever I lay on her bed.

And I plan to do just that.

I went towards the corner of my room and then teleported myself outside the Titans Tower. Right behind the huge boulder I hid myself behind every time I watched Raven from afar. Then when I made sure no one was in her room, I teleported myself there. I stepped on a circle of salt and some candles. I backed away and saw the SpellCasters Book laying open at the side. I looked at it and saw the title; The Way Into Azarath. It was Raven's handwriting. I could recognize it easily.

They were in Azarath. She was showing them where she came from.

Where you came from... a voice in my head whispered.

Yeah, I came from Azarath too. But I never want to go back.

My father was part of the Counsel. And he was arranging me a marriage to the Princess of Azarath. Rachel Roth. I never knew who she was or what she looked like. Just that I better never make her cry or get angry.

Maybe I should go and meet her. It's obvious that Raven would never go for me, I'm a freak, but maybe Rachel may give me a chance.

Yeah, that'll show Raven that I'm no longer attached to her. I looked at her spell Book and decided just to teleported there. It'll be easier than speaking in my ancient language.

And yes, I can speak, but as a curse for leaving Azarath, placed by my very own father, I wouldn't be able to speak anywhere but on Azarath.

Thank Azar, Raven'll see that I'm over her once I get married to our Princess. Once I get married to Princess Rachel Roth of Azarath.

Raven's POV

I was called by my mother to join her and the other Counsel members for a meeting. I agreed, and told the others to go and enjoy Azarath. But warned them away from the Pit. That's where all the dangerous animals were at. Especially the Kravis (these creatures are made up. Like the Intola and now the Kravis)

I followed my mother to the meeting rooms in the south wing. She sat me down at her right side and Jonah made himself comfortable on my right.

"I call this meeting to order." Counselman Wilkinson declared. I remember he had a son, but no one has seen him in years.

"Thank you, Gordon. Now, as you can see, my daughter, the heir to the throne has come to us." She paused and the Counsel all gave me looks of acknowledgment. Then she continued, saying exactly what I expected her to discuss, "As you know a queen must always have a king. So I have been arranging Rachel with Counselman Wilkinson's son, Kevyn Wilkinson. And-"

"No!" I shouted shooting up like a bullet. "I am not marrying a total stranger. I don't want to. I want to be with Beast Boy."

"Rachel, no! This is not up for discussion! You will marry Kevyn, and you will forget all about that inept, neophyte, green boy!" Arella retaliated.

"You can't make me marry someone I don't love. I won't marry!"

"Rachel, calm down. Please." Jonah put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I hugged and collapsed into the chair. I stared moodily at the edge of the table. I know I was acting childish, but I do believe in love. And I love Beast Boy.

Do you? That pestering voice said again. I shut it down and refused to doubt the love I felt for Beast Boy. It was love. It is love.

Then why do you sound like you're convincing yourself of it?

It was Kyd. He caused all of this. Ever since he kissed me, I've felt differently. Almost an attachment to him. I would find myself thinking of him in the most inappropriate times. Earlier when I was kissing Beast Boy, I started to compare the two. Why am I such an evil person? I love Beast Boy. I really love Beast Boy. Only Beast Boy. But Kyd does have that certain dar- No! It's just Beast Boy. Not Kyd.

Suddenly someone came barreling through the door, my eyes widened.

It was Kyd Wykyyd. He looked directly at Counselman Wilkinson. "Father, I have come back."


Super short, but this was for jojocrazy101 since it was your birthday. Sorry about that, I had promised this yesterday, but I became busy during the day. So sorry about leaving you hanging. But I'll probably be updating tomorrow. I need to also focus on my other stories.

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