Chapter 3

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Raven's POV

The last thing I remember was Kyd Wykyyd kissing me. Straight on the lips. It completely set me off. Why would he do that? He's the bad guy, I'm the good guy. He's not supposed to kiss his sworn enemy. At all.

I don't really remember much, but right now I was in somewhere in-between. I saw myself on the medical bed in the T-Tower. I saw Beast Boy holding onto my hand like a vixen. I couldn't hear what they were saying, him and Cyborg, but Beast Boy looked scared. I felt as my soul went back into my body, hearing Beast Boy say, "-doing it. I have to save Raven."

I breathed in deeply, and blink to wake up. Beast Boy and Cyborg looked worried. "What happened?"

"That bastard of Kyd Wykyyd kissed you! He gave you a kiss of death." Beast Boy said angrily. I reached up with my hand and tenderly stroked his cheek. He looked at me with loving eyes, he smiled his heart warming smile, and then leaned towards me to kiss me. I loved his kisses. They were sweet and loving, just like him.

"Ahem, Beast Boy, I think you need to discuss to her the situation." Cyborg said curtly and then left the room.

I gave Beast Boy a look, "What's he talking about?"

Beast Boy rubbed the back of his neck, like he always does when he was nervous, "Well, like I said Kyd gave you a kiss of death. Which means you're dying slowly right now. And Cyborg found an antidote, and it involves..."

"What? What does it involve?" I asked getting restless.

"You and I having sex." he said in the lowest whisper ever.

I gasped, and then I remember the day when Cyborg pointed that out to me about Kyd's and my kind. "Beast Boy, you don't have to do it." I said reassuringly.

"Yes, I do. You'll die if I don't. It's not how I imagined it, but it'll save your life. And I won't let you die. I love you."

I stared at him, "Really?"

Beast Boy blushed a bright pink. He nodded slowly. I grabbed his chin and made him face me, "I love you, too," with that I crushed my lips against his. His hands immediately wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. He groaned against my lips. I laughed softly, and pulled away, "You ready?"

"More than ever now." he picked me up bridal style and carried me into my room. He closed and locked the door.


Beast Boy's POV

I knew my animal instincts unleashed. I felt when she quivered. My nails had grown a little, and they dug into Raven's hips, she gasped when that happened. But yet, she kept on going. We kept on going for a long while. Me, because of my animal instincts, I don't know Raven's reason, but I'm glad she kept going.

I held her tightly in my arms, whispering in her ear, "You're going to be fine now. He won't get you. Never will. You're mine." Okay, the last part was the animal in me talking. Now they were urging me to mark her. I didn't know if I should, but then everyone would know that she's mine. My one and only. They'll know to back off. A few weeks ago, a guy had hit on her, I growled ferociously. Raven calmed me down and then told the guy to lay off politely. I just wanted to knock him out. Should I ask her for permission, or just do it?

Ask. Yeah, that way I won't be guaranting the wrath of my beloved girlfriend. "Hey, uh, Raven?"

She turned to face me and looked straight into my eyes, "Hmm?"

"I was wondering if I could-could c-claim you a-as my own?" I stuttered.

"I already am."

"I mean, can I mark you?"

"Explain it."

"It my animal instincts, they're urging at me to mark you. Anyway, it's when I bite you so hard. And then you bite me in the same place. Marking each other as mates. Raven, I want you to be my mate. I feel it deep inside, that you're my mate. I've wanted to do this for a very long time, but I was scared you would run away. So I didn't push into it. But now I just want to mark you as my own. And only mine. And I want to be only yours. Do you understand?"

Raven stared at me for a moment, then smiled gently, "I'll be glad to. Just bite me wherever."

I perked up, "Seriously? You're not scared?"

She kissed me gently, caressing my cheek, "When I'm with you, I'm never scared."

I grinned at her response and then started to inspect her body to find a place to bite her. Not her neck, everyone would see. Not that I minded, but Raven might. Not there, or there, or there. I finally decided. Her hip would be perfect, even though I saw my claw marks there, I slid down to her hip and flipped her on her stomach. She exhaled deeply. "This is going to feel intense," I warned.

"What do you mean?" Raven's muffled voice asked. Her face was in a pillow.

"It'll feel like I'm doing you again, but so much more intense. It's my animal side that'll make you feel that."

Raven sighed, and gripped onto the covers. She did that a lot during. I smiled and proceeded to do the mark.


Raven's POV

At first it felt funny, like you know you're going to hurt, but you laugh a little. Then as he bit harder, I felt something different. More intense. I felt that familiar feeling in my gut. Beast Boy kept digging his teeth in deeper and began sucking. I held my breath, waiting for him to be done. And tried not to scream in pleasure.

Finally he was done and smiled at his mark.

Then I did the same.

I was surprised about how he responded, but I felt great.

After a while we were both marked and we were now bonded more than we had before. His emotions were stronger now. The feeling was exhilarating.

"We should here dressed and let everyone know you'll be alright." Beast Boy suggested.

I nodded and we both got dressed quickly. I felt awkward. Cyborg would know what we had to do. And without a doubt he would've told the Star and Robin, so we could have some privacy.

Beast Boy felt my uneasiness and hugged me tightly from behind, "It'll all be okay. I'm not letting anyone hurt you. Ever."

I melted into his loving embrace. Everything about him was so loving and caring. And I loved him for it. But I'm also in love with him because he's him in front of me. And I know he'll always be there for me. And who wouldn't love that.

I nodded slightly, and let out the huge gust of air I've been holding in for a few minutes. Then we walked into the main room.

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