Chapter 4

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Kyd Wykyyd's POV

~~When they were in jail~~

And again, we are in jail. Like always.

"We'll get out of here. We always do." Gizmo said starting to scrape at the thick walls with one of his hidden gadgets. The police here are pretty clueless.

And then, we'll end up being here. Again... I thought to myself. It was always a cycle with the Titans and us. Good guys always win.

"So what's the plan? Do I jinx the hell out of these place?" Jinx said holding up her hands which were sparkling with pink powers.

"If you wanna jinx somebody, Jinx, jinx Wykyyd over there." See-more said.

"What was with you kissing Raven?" Gizmo shouted at me.

Not saying a word, I shrugged. Let them believe what they want to. Not gonna talk or tell them the truth.

"And much more important question, why Raven? She's so creepy and Goth and—"

I shut Jinx's voice out. Let her believe what she wanted. She and Raven are almost alike. But Raven was surrounded by darkness, just like me.

"...And dating Beast Boy. I mean, come on! Can she go any more for the opposites attract cliche?" Jinx said finishing her speech.

My head jerked up at this. Dating Beast Boy? She's with Beast Boy! That stung. How come I didn't notice that? How come I didn't know that? I've been watching over her and then all the times Beast Boy was with her, I thought he was doing the usual; annoying the hell out of her. But all this time, they were hanging out as a couple.

Gizmo must've seen me, because he chuckled and said, "Got a crush on Raven, I see. I thought you and Angel were a thing." (Just pretend Angel and Kyd already met, but Kid Flash hasn't appeared yet to change Jinx)

Angel? Angel! No way. She's too expressive. Annoys me. I shook my head.

"Oh, didn't work out?" Billy laughed.

Another shake of my head.

"Oh, sorry, dude. But what makes you think Raven and you would work out?" See-more asked.

Using the dusty floor as a piece of paper, I wrote; Darkness.

Beast Boy's POV

Raven and I walked into the main room, exactly when the others walked in through the elevator. Robin and Cyborg stopped in their tracks and Starfire simply went over to Raven and grabbed her arm.

"Come, friend! I must speak to you the urgently!" Then she pulled Raven out of my grasp and dragged her away.

I almost growled at her, but stopped when I see Robin's stern gaze upon me.

"So, um, I guess she's cured or whatever." I said scratching the back of my head as I always do when I'm nervous.

"Guess she is, Beastie. Video game?" Cyborg asked.

"Wait, did you at least use—"

I cut off Robin's question, "Yeah, yeah, I did. Can I play now?"

"Sure." Robin said, "I'll be in the training room in case someone asks."

"You mean, in case Starfire asks." Cyborg mumbled.

I snicker and play a racing game with Cyborg, thankful that he doesn't pry me about what just happened between Raven and I. Maybe Raven doesn't have the same fate, especially since she has to talk to Starfire.

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