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Epilogue is finally made. Don't mind the photo, just thought, eh... Why not.

No one's POV

It's been a year so far since Raven and Kyd Wykyyd had gotten married. The ceremony and reception was absolutely perfect, and their honeymoon was marvellous. The coronation is in a few days and Raven couldn't wait.

"Hey, beautiful." Kyd said as he wrapped his arms around Raven's waist.

She leaned into him and smiled, "Hey."

Then she felt strange. An urge. An urge to vomit.

She ripped away from Kyd and ran to the bathroom. She lifted the lid of the toilet and hurled.

"Rach, what's wrong?" Kyd asked with concern. It was uncommon for Azarathians to get sick, much less for one to vomit like Raven was.

"I-I don't know." She said when she was finished. She flushed it and then stood, wobbling.

"I'm gonna go get Wilma. Maybe she'll know." Kyd said and waited to see if Raven would say anything.

"Go. I'll stay here." Raven approved and sat on the counter.

Kyd hurriedly went to fetch Wilma. Wilma dropped everything and they hurried back to Raven, who once again was barfing in the toilet.

"Princess, what is the matter?" Wilma asked. She patted Raven's back soothingly.

Raven stopped vomiting and looked over to Wilma, her forehead was beaded with sweat, "I don't know, Wilma. But I feel terrible."

"When was the last time you two had sexual intercourse?" Wilma asked.

Raven and Kyd blushed heavily, "Why?"


"Last night," Kyd answered to get the embarrassing question out of the way.

"And before that?"

"Um, Wilma what does that have to do with this?" Raven asked.

"Rachel, come with me. Kevyn, stay here."

"What do you think is happening?" Kyd asked.

"Let's just say, this might happen more often." Wilma said and ushered Raven downstairs to another bathroom.

When Raven entered she sat down on the edge of the tub, "Why come to a different bathroom when the one up there was perfectly fine?"

"I need you to urinate on this." Wilma said.

"Wha—A pregnancy test? Do you think I'm—"

"It's a possibility. I'll give you some privacy." And then Wilma left.

Raven look down to the pregnancy test. Oh, Azar. Am I really pregnant? I'm so nervous. "Now or never."

Raven quickly urinate on the stick and Wilma entered when she was finished. They waited the required minutes and then Wilma looked at it.

"What does it say?" Raven asked.

Wilma turned to Raven with no emotion showing on her face. Wilma showed Raven the test.

Two pink lines seemed to stare at Raven.

"You're pregnant, Princess." Wilma smiled.


I'm planning on making a sequel to this. But tell me what it should be called, "Their Love" or "Endless Love" And yes, it will be Kyd and Raven. BUT there's gonna be a surprise... Thanks for waiting.


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