Chapter 8

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Beast Boy's POV

We were all passing by the Pit when someone came out from a portal. He looked familiar, but he quickly walked away and towards Raven's home. I thought maybe he's a friend too. No need to be jealous. I trust Raven. I know she loves me.

"Hey, Beastie, I gotta tell ya something. About Raven's mother." Cyborg said distracting me from the familiar guy.

I tore my gaze up to meet his. "Arella? What about her?"

"Well, see. When she took me to the kitchen, she had asked me if you and Raven were together—"

"What'd she say?" I asked wanting to know if she approved of me.

"I told her that it's not my place to say, to ask Raven. But, when she was leaving I heard her say something." He darted his eyes away. Getting nervous.

I gave him a confused look, "What did she say, Cy?"

"She said that she'll need to work hard to break you two up."

I stopped walking and stared at the ground stunned. She doesn't approve of me. She doesn't approve of us. Of course, she doesn't. Who wants a green freak as a son-in-law? No one.

But Raven is mine. She's all mine. And no one is going to take her.

"She said that?" I asked unbelieving.

Cyborg patted my shoulder, "Sorry, Beast Boy. But she's apparently not approving of you and Rae."

"She's gonna try to break us up?" I asked with anger.

"Beastie, calm. Don't wanna change here and give her more of a reason."

My body started to shake in anger. I wanted to yell, shout, and tear everything apart. I wanted to kill Arella.

No! Not a killer! Not a killer!

What was she doing to Raven now? Trying to convince her to break up with me? To do it for her people? To do it for herself?

No! I need to go! Before Raven leaves me. I turned and started heading towards the building.

Kyd Wykyyd's POV

"Father, I have come back." I said as soon as Wilma told me that the Counsel and the queen were in the meeting room. I heard a gasp and looked at the queen's right side.

It was Raven.

"What are you doing here, Kyd?" Raven hissed at me.

"Better question, what are you doing here? You aren't part of the Counsel."

"Since when do you speak?"

"I asked you a question."

"I asked you first, you sick, wicked bastard."

"Whoa, you two know each other already?" Jonah asked standing up and putting his hands up.

"He's a villain on Earth. He's part of the H.I.V.E 5, they rob and go against Earth's rules." Raven said glaring at me.

"You're a villain, Kevyn! What is wrong with you? I raised you better!" My father snapped at me.

"Wait! That's who you want me to marry? He nearly killed me!"

"And why would they want you to marry me? I'm betrothed to Princess Rachel. Not you." I retaliated.

"I am Princess Rachel Roth of Azarath, you dim wit!"

I stared at her shocked. She was the princess. My princess. Maybe this will work out. "Then I guess we have a wedding to plan." I said curtly and then sat next to my father.

"What? First you nearly kill me by kissing me. Then you come and sabotage my home. Now you're just willingly going to marry your nemesis?" Raven asked me.

"Yep, I would've done it years ago if I'd known it was you." I joked casually.

"You know very well I'm with Beast Boy."

"Plans can be made to rid the problem." I smiled wickedly.

"In your dreams, Kyd Wykyyd." She snarled.

"And it's about time be made a reality."

"Stop! Raven's mine and only mine!" A voice screamed as the green goblin burst through the door.

Raven's POV

I quietly thanked Azar as Beast Boy rushed through the door. I started towards him only to be held back by Arella. "Let me go!" I hissed.

"No, you are not going to be with him! You are going to be with Kevyn Wilkinson, whether he's a villain or not."

"Kyd Wykyyd? Oh, hell no! First you give Raven a kiss of death, now you wanna marry her? Oh, I'm gonna kill you!"

"Guards! Grab him and take him away!" Arella shouted.

"No! Beast Boy! Let me go, Arella!" I shouted at her. I quickly wrenched my arm from her grip and flew over to a struggling Beast Boy. I sent my powers at the guards and pulled them away sending them towards the walls. I wrapped my arms around Beast Boy and dragged him away. I may be doubting my love for him, but I still care for him.

"We have time go! We have to find the others and go!" I yelled at Beast Boy.

"Okay! They followed me, I think." Beast Boy shouted back.

We ran and ran. Until we bumped into Starfire, Robin, and Cyborg. I grabbed them and said, "Guys, we have to go! Now!"

"Okay, so no Intola Hesphew?" Cyborg joked.

"It's not a time to joke, Cyborg!" Beast Boy growled.

"C'mon! Stop arguing! It's time to split! Azarath isn't the same!" I shouted.

I started to chant the words to get back to Earth. And just as I finished the last word, someone pushed me away. My grip on Beast Boy's and Starfire's hand broke and I landed on the ground.

"Raven!" Beast Boy shouted and reached for me, but the portal took him and the others away.

I was stuck on Azarath.

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